Chapter 12: Warning you||

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Astrid's View:

Today was the big game all the students of Eden Hall was talking about. Let's just say I had a little accident during school hours.

I was walking to class and to my surprise guess who I find. Cj and his girlfriend Wendy. It was lunch mind you. I was on my way to my table with the ducks before someone stopped me.

"Heard What Happened to That old guy? Finally you got rid of that old man that was on your list of chores am I right." Cj said.

"Please leave me alone". I guess the team saw and began to get up.

"What if I don't? What are you going to do little girl?" By the time he said that Varsity was beside him and the ducks were behind me. I heard Luis mumble under his breath 'wrong move dumbass'.

"I'm asking you kindly. Please leave me alone. I'm warning you". I said through gritted teeth. I was holding my tray of my lunch but I was holding it tightly since I saw my Hands turning white. Last thing I needed today was a fight. My anger problems have improved a lot more so me taking it out all on Cj would not help at all. Wendy's punk ass wanted to get involved. So she was standing right in front of me.

"So what? What are you going to do about it?" She said. Last straw.

I turned to give my lunch tray to Averman. Cause who would want to waste perfectly good food.

"Hold this please". Averman took it. I turned around and got all up on Wendy's face.

"What did you say? Repeat it one more time"

"I said what are you going to do about it?" She was about to say before I punched the side of her face. She tried to hit my but instead I got her fist and twisted it. I pushed her back down and got on top of her. I began punching her with all the rage on the word. Blood was beginning to come out. Purple bruises. And her nose looked crooked. I kept on punching her until Charlie got me off of her.

"Let go Charlie".

"No". I tried to go after her because she was still on the floor. Then a teacher came.

"WHATS GOING ON? SANTOS? SHOULD OF KNOWN IT WAS YOU. DETENTION NOW". I scoffed and made my way to the detention room. I was there almost throughout The day. Until someone came to the rescue.

"Come on Jen. You got to let her go. We got a game to play. She won't do it again. Is that right Astrid?" Coach Orion looked at me.

"Wait till I get my hands on her again-". Coach gave me a look. "Yeah. I won't do it again." Ms Kaloski agreed and let me go.

"You are so lucky. This is the last time you get into a fight. Got it?"

"I make no promises".

"Come on Santos. You are one of my best players. We can't risk not having you in our games when you score half the points. You got to think about the team. They count on you."

"I know. But Adam is back. So it's not necessary that I'm there".

"Banks has not been there from the beginning when you all arrived at Eden Hall like you have. The team relies on you. And you got to put the effort into helping them too."

"Damn Ted. Since when have you gone all soft on us".

"Zip it and go change. The team is ready. Hurry up and when you are done got to the rink". I nodded and went to hurry up. No one was in the locker room so I got changed quickly. I was done and headed to the rink.

I'm ready

To Finnish them.


They really think they are going to get away from it this time.

Wait till they see what I got planned for them.

Astrid the Asteroid: Eden Hall Where stories live. Discover now