propose ; g

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grayson walked into you and his bedroom early in the morning, already showered. he had a towel hanging low around his hips and huge smile on his face, getting all excited for the huge day he had planned for you both. you were still asleep like normal, you weren't really a morning person.

grayson was getting ready in the bathroom attached to your room when your eyes started to flutter awake. you rolled over to face the bathroom door with a ready grayson looking back at you, smiling. you smiled back with your eyes still barely opened. you rolled back over and rubbed your face in the pillow, thinking it'd wake you up more, then got up. when you walked over to the closet for a towel, you asked grayson,

"why are you all ready gray? it's like 5am."
"um babe it's definitely not 5am." grayson chuckled.

you grabbed a towel out of the closet and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. you got naked with grayson watching you the entire time, smirking.

"can i help you grayson?"
"nope. just cherishing my beautiful girlfriend." you both smiled.

you get in the shower and wash your body and do the normal. when you get out, you wrapped yourself in the towel and walked into your bedroom. grayson was nowhere to be found and had laid out an outfit for you. you decided you didn't wanna fight him on it so you just put it on and walked downstairs. when you got down there, you were meet with the amazing smell of your favorite breakfast. you smiled and walked to the kitchen to meet a grayson with a apron on, smiling.

"awe baby! you wore what i picked out!"
"yes i did. it looks cuter then i thought it would."
"that's mean but i'm proud!"

he pecks your lips and hands you a plate of your favorite breakfast. you smiled, walked to the kitchen table, then say down and began to eat your breakfast. grayson got himself a plate and sat down across from you.

"so why did you pick my outfit out for me today? you got all ready for something too..."
"well, after breakfast i was thinking we could go do something then i made dinner plans."
"oh, okay."

you both continued to eat then when you were finished, grayson picked up your plates and took them to the sink. you sat at the table for a bit longer and played on your phone, looking at social medias and such. after a little while, grayson finished the dishes and you and him went to the car. he opened the door for you, like he always does and smiled at you.

he drove you and him to a nearby trail and you two went on a little walk, talking about future plans and other things. then, he took you to a local shopping me where you went to all your favorite stores and shopped a lot, with him of course carrying your bags. when you two finished, he took you home so you could drop all your shopping bags off. when you pulled in, grayson said,

"hey baby, you should put something nice on... it's a really nice restaurant." "okay baby..."

you looked at him funny then grabbed all your bags from the back seat and walked inside. you headed upstairs then got one of the new dresses you picked out earlier from one of the bags and slipped it on, after you slipped the outfit grayson picked out off. you put on some pretty light makeup then grabbed some nice high heels. you also grabbed a purse grayson got you from louis vuitton for your birthday.

when you finished, you walked down the stairs to see a dressed up grayson smiling at you.

"you look gorgeous baby." he smiled then pecked your lips.

grayson took your hand and led you to the car. he opened the door for you and you got in.

he drove you both to the fanciest restaurant he could think of. when you got there he went to the other side of the car and opened the door for you again. you got out and went inside. when you walked in, your entire family as well as his were all standing around. you stood in the doorway, shocked. then you turned to grayson.

"grayson what is this?"

when you turned towards grayson, he was already down on his one knee.

"y/f/n y/l/n will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

you began to cry with your hands over your mouth.

"yes! of course i will!"

he jumped up and wrapped his hands around your waist and gave you a huge kiss while everyone clapped. you and him went and talked to your families and had a great night with an amazing dinner.

- - -

hey guys! i'm back :) hopefully i'll wrote more often like i used too... no promises though :/ also i'm sorry the beginning was long to have such a boring ending...

- also, y/f/n and y/l/n is your first name and your last name

- tea

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