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as the show was about to begin, brandon and arlo were nowhere to be seen.

the boys were panicking as they looked around backstage, helping their tour crew try to locate the two, but they had no luck.

five minutes were left until the boys had to be on stage and still, nothing.

"where the fuck is he?" edwin groaned, nervously tapping his foot repetitively on the ground.

"you think he's taking a shit?" zion asked, which caused the guys to glare at him, "what? it's a serious question— what if it's from nerves because it's our first tour date?"

"i checked the bathrooms already. nothing," austin sighed, looking around the room once more.

"well his ass better be on stage within five minutes or else he's gonna get it," nick stood up, flipping his microphone in the air and catching it in his hand.

as if on cue, well, one of them appeared in the doorway, sweating slightly and panting.

"ew, what happened to you?" nick asked, raising a brow.

"geez, thanks. you look great too," arlo rolled her eyes, trying to gain control of her breath, and slightly wiped away at the beads of sweat that formed on her forehead, "you guys ready to go on?"

"we kinda need brandon to be on stage with us.." edwin said, looking over at her.

"well where is he?" she asked, looking around at the guys.

"we figured you two would be together," zion spoke up, "and by the way you came to us right now, we figured you guys were probably busy or something."

"oh- oH gosh no," arlo blushed, "i uh, i um.. i haven't seen him. i had to leave home real quick before the show and i had to sprint back so that i wouldn't miss the show, i told brandon i would be gone..." arlo said, taking out her phone to look at the time.

"well he kind of disappeared so.." austin sighed, attempting to cal brandon's cell phone only for it to go to voicemail.

"i did see something before i left.. i don't know if it has to do with anything though..." arlo started, causing all the boys to look at her and encourage her to go on, "the last person in the meet and greet. do you guys know who that was?"

"the last person?..." edwin furrowed his brows, trying to make a picture come to mind.

"madison. it was madison." arlo slightly scoffed.

"right.." zion mumbled, sticking his hands in his pockets, "so he's with her?"

"i don't know. but it could be a possibility," she frowned.

"30 seconds and brandon is no where to be seen," their technical producer announced.

"fuck fuck fuck," edwin mumbled, nervously pacing back and forth, playing with his bottom lip as he tried to come up with something to tell the fans.

30 seconds eventually turned into five and the boys were preparing to go onstage. they didn't feel right performing without him, so they knew they would have to cancel the show. they just didn't want to see any of the disappointed faces once the news was told.

they all took a deep breath and glanced at each other before heading out onto the stage, and all the fans began screaming.

"how's everyone doing tonight!?" austin tried to lighten up the mood, but the audience slowly started to die out, knowing the change of tone in his voice.

"we're sorry for the short notice," edwin nervously chuckled, "but we're going to have to cancel the show for tonight."

gasps were heard around the room as everyone looked around in confusion, people from different areas in the room asking where brandon was.

"we'll refund and everything.. it's just.. we can't perform tonight. we'll arrange a rescheduling.. i'm sorry," edwin mumbled, looking down at the floor and quickly walking off stage, not even wanting to look at how many people he disappointed.

the rest of the boys walked off stage, both, upset and angry at the fact that they had to cancel a show, their first show of the tour because they couldn't find their lead vocalist.

arlo frowned once she saw the boys. all of them looking extremely upset as they walked backstage. she couldn't help but to peek at the crowd.

some of the fans were crying, others were shouting at the empty stage, others had already started leaving, and others demanding for them to say it was a joke.

an uneasy feeling started to grow in arlo's stomach and she couldn't help but to feel some sort of guilt.


because she knew exactly where brandon was.

i finally have a chance to update phew.

i hope you guys haven't forgotten about this book ):

i think they still have me full-time at work and i'm a full-time college student so finding time to write is a bit tough ):

how have you guys been?

- spillthebeanz

the fangirl ➣ brandon arreagaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora