Chapter 8- Heal

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Taehee's POV

"Jieun, how are you not tired?" I asked, laughing at how she was doing back-flips in the air in her tiny fairy form.

"I don't know, it's so fun!" She squealed like a happy child before she turned to her human-like form. She swayed from side to side. "Uh... Now I feel dizzy!"

I just shook my head at her and laughed. I could feel something irritating my heart, but I brushed it off.

We were working on my powers for an hour when I suddenly felt a really sharp pain in my heart, making me scream in pain as I clutched my chest.

"Taehee?!" Jieun yelled in worry as she tried to figure out what's wrong.

"Y-Yuta..." I whispered in pain. "He's hurt, I can feel him..."

"Fuck, again?!" She groaned before she immediately chanted the words for the portal to Neo City. She carefully dragged me into the portal with her.

In a few seconds, we were right in her bedroom in Neo City, startling Jaemin, Chenle, Yangyang, and Jisung in the process. They looked worried as soon as they saw me clutching my chest in pain.

"W-where is he?" I asked weakly. "Where is Y-Yuta?"

The boys looked confused so I just turned to Jieun. "Teleport me to wherever he is, please."

She nodded and closed her eyes. In a second, I was in Yuta's room.

"Y-Yuta!" I gasped in horror at the sight of him unconscious with a clear stab from the poisonous dagger. Immediately, I kissed the cut, wanting him to heal faster, even though I knew I would pass out from the amount of energy I'd lose. I knew I'd be in a lot of pain for days if I healed him, but how could I not? After all, I was irrevocably in love with him.

I watched the cut disappear for what felt like hours, but was only a few seconds. I sighed in relief as I cried and cuddled up to his side before I passed out.


I woke up to sound of two familiar voices.

"Thank you for heeling me, Ryuna..." Yuta said and kissed her gently, making me gasp.

I immediately got up from the bed and tried to keep a pokerface, even though I was extremely weak after healing Yuta.

"Oh, Taehee, I see you're awake," Ryuna said, giving me a bored look.

"What are you doing in my room?" Yuta asked coldly. I felt like a knife stabbed my heart.

I took a deep breath. "How did you get hurt?"

"Why do you care?"

Was he fucking serious right now?

"I healed you," I said, ignoring the feeling of more of my energy getting drained. "You would've been dead by now if I didn't."

Yuta scoffed. "Ryuna was the one who healed me, Taehee, quit your act."

I glanced at Ryuna who just smirked and hugged Yuta. My heart broke at the sight of him hugging her back.

"Well, this is just disgusting. Is that how you treat the girl you love, Yuta?" Seulgi said, entering the room with Taeyong, Jieun, and Jaemin.

"Why is she here?" Taeyong asked, pointing at Ryuna.


End of chapter 8.
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