~Harry Potter/Hogwarts/Pigfarts AU~

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AU where all the sides are humans and at hogwarts!

Now, onto the characters!:
(Some wand cores might be wrong, Patronus' might not be accurate and be indecisive, and I blanked out on some of the classes-)(If the wand cores are wrong and the patronus' aren't accurate, I'm tired and it's two am-)

Slytherin or Ravenclaw(depending on rp). Fourth year. Pureblood. Brother to Remus. Wand is cypress wood with dragon heartstring core. Patronus is a Butterfly. Seeker for the Slytherin/Ravenclaw Quiddich Team. Favorite class is flying lessons. Least favorite class is charms.

Hufflepuff. Second year. Muggle born. Cousin to Deceit. Wand is Rowan wood with Phoenix feather core. Patronus is a Skunk. Mainly hangs out in the common room. Has a pigmy puff. Favorite class is defense against the dark arts. Least favorite class is flying lessons.

Hufflepuff. Third year. Muggle born. Wand is Hazel wood with Unicorn hair core.  Patronus is a Elephant or a bloodhound. Tries to Volunteer at the hospital wing. Wants a cat, but is allergic. Favorite class is care for magical creatures. He doesn't have a least favorite, but sometimes transfiguration can be a little much for him.

Gryffindor. Fourth year. Pureblood. Brother to Roman.  Wand is Yew wood with a erumpent hide core. Patronus is a Hyena. Known as Roman's weird brother. Chaser for the Gryffindor quidditch team. Favorite classes are flying lessons(like Roman) and transfiguration. Least favorite class is defense against the dark arts.

Ravenclaw. Fifth year. Pureblood. Wand is Walnut wood with Veela hair core. Patronus is a wild cat or a magpie. Commonly in the school's library or exploring the grounds(without getting into trouble). Has a owl. Favorite classes are potions, arithmancy, and astronomy. Least favorite class is care for magical creatures.

Slytherin. Seventh year. Pureblood. Cousin to Virgil. Wand is silver lime wood with Rougarou hair core. Patronus is a snake. Everyone is scared of him, but he's not a bad guy once you get to know him. Favorite class is transfiguration(like Remus). Least favorite class is study of ancient runes.

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