~love potion~

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!TW!: Some suggestive stuff.

(Any Logan ship)
Logan has been working on a new potion recently. It's unknown on what the potion does, but Logan is intending it to be something with understanding some of the sides' quips and quirks. One day, he finds out that the potion is almost done. It just needs one more ingredient to work. While Logan looks for the ingredient, Logan decides to place the potion on the kitchen table, putting a 'do not drink!' sticky note on it. After leaving the kitchen, Side B/Non-Side B comes into the kitchen, feeling parched. He notices Logan's potion, but assume that it's water/lemonade/coffee/hot chocolate instead of Logan's potion, which is just what he needs. Side B/Non-Side B goes over to the table, picking up the potion(not reading the sticky note) and starting to drink it. When he's done drinking it, he feels more refreshed, but felt that whatever he drank had a weird taste. Suddenly, Side B/Non-Side B starts to feel weird. He questions to himself on if he caught a bug/he got a concussion from something recently/he ate too much (insert food here), but his questions cut short by feeling warm and fuzzy inside, as well as feeling that he needs to flirt with Logan.
A few moments later, Logan comes back into the room, seeing Side B/Non-Side B. Side B/Non-Side B latches themself onto Logan, purring a 'I didn't know that you were this hot~'. Logan is confused before realizing that Side B/Non-Side B drank the unfinished potion. Now, Logan must find a cure for Side B/Non-Side B while Side B/Non-Side B starts to become more affectionate and starts to flirt with him.

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