~Valentine fever~

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(It's February bois!
You know what that means...
Valentine's Day scenarios!!!)
(To start off with Valentine's Day scenarios, here's a Valentine's Day kinda sick scenario!(yes, another holiday sick scenario))

!TW!: swearing, sympathetic dark sides, possible vomit mention.

It's going to be Side A and Side B's first Valentine's Day together, and Side A wants to make it special. So, he's made sure to get a few reservations and get all kinds of extravagant gifts and surprises to make sure their Valentine's Day is something out of a rom-com.   He's also made sure to tell Side A that they're not going to do anything special on Valentine's Day, just hang out. That way, he won't spoil the surprise.
Valentine's Day eventually rolls around, and Side A decides to check in with all the reservations, the surprises, and if the gifts aren't broken. Gifts are unscathed, Surprises and reservations were all set. Everything is perfect. Suddenly, Side A gets a call on his cell and picks it up.
"Hey, Side A...I can't hang out with you today."
It's Side B, and he's sounding really raspy on the other end.
"What? Why not?"
"I caught a fev-
Before Side B can finish his sentence, he lets out some bad sounding coughs.
"Ver. Sorry that our plans were ruined..."
Side A, annoyed with how the perfect Valentine's Day was ruined, decides to be a good boyfriend and go over to Side B's house, spending his Valentine's Day taking care of a feverish Side B.

Alt 1. Side B was faking it so Side A could spend his Valentine's Day with him alone. Side A, annoyed and saying how he had a surprise for him and everything and now Side B just cancelled all of that because he would rather have affection and attention than surprises. Side B explains that he knew all of that, now come over here so we can cuddle and watch rom-coms.

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