
35 1 0

!TW!: lazy scenario, possible deceit mention

Side A gets lots of intense nightmares, but none of the others sides know and he usually doesn't get them every night. He wishes he had someone to go to for comfort each time Side A has one, but then again, he doesn't want to wake any of sides up and bother them with a stupid nightmare. So, he deals with the nightmares on his own. However, recently, he's been getting nightmares each night, causing Side A stay up all night because of how bad they were. This leads Side A to be really tired during the day, causing him to zone out, forget stuff, almost fall asleep in weird places, and yawn constantly. Side B takes notice of this, and tells Side A that they're going to sleep in Side A's room tonight. Side A is too tired to say no, so he lets Side B sleep in Side A's bed that night. Side A decides that if he has a intense nightmare while Side B is sleeping with him, he'll just...try to get out of bed and deal with it on his own. Yeah. That'll work. Later that night, Side A and Side B are both asleep in Side A's bed. Everything is fine until Suddenly, Side A starts to move around in bed, murmuring some stuff while tears start to stream down his face. Side B wakes up from Side A moving around, suddenly seeing Side A what was happening to Side A and shaking him awake. Comfort ensues after that-

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