~A experiment~

75 3 24

(Any Logan ship)

(Lazy scenario ahead, but at least it's a breather from all the recent angst scenarios)

Warnings: None....I don't think?

Logan has been wondering about something recently, and that is what would a kiss be like? Now, Logan really isn't the one for affection, but he's curious...and besides, it wouldn't even be a lip kiss or anything remotely similar to that. It'd just be a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss.
To add on, it would be with Logan's crush on Side B, and Logan would make it a experiment to see what effect it would have on Side B. So one day, when it looks like Side B is free, Logan approaches him. He says his salutations, and questions if Side B would like to partake in a experiment. Side B says sure and starts to ask what experiment it is, only to be cut off by Logan giving Side B a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss. Side B is stunned while Logan whips out a notepad, writing observations down on what happened while rambling about the observations. Side B stays stunned for a few moments before regaining himself, coming up with an idea. Side B smirks/grins to himself, waiting for Logan to be done rambling. Once Logan is done rambling, Side B speaks up.
"Yes, Sid-"
Side B then proceeds to cut Logan off by tugging on his tie to pull him closer, and giving him a lip kiss.
What happens next is up to you.

"With you, I'm always home!" | Sanders Sides RP!(Open!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora