RP schedule-

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(!Will take effect from now until the 30!)
(the scheduled times are in Eastern time/EST)

1o:30 AM - 1 something AM/2 something AM: I'm mainly free these times. Might be on and off due to getting ready, food, and spending time with family and friends.

11 something AM - 3:00 PM: I'm free during these times. But I might be on and off due to plans, food, getting ready, and family and friends.
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM/5:00 PM: sometimes, I volunteer during that time, and I don't bring my phone with me when I volunteer. So, I'm usually off during those time slots.
5:45 PM or 5:30PM/6:00 PM - 1 something AM/2 something AM: I'm completely free during these times. Might be on and off due to dinner, family and friends, and accidentally conking out earlier than expected.

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM: I'm free during these time slots. But I still might be on and off for the same reasons.
3:00/3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: sometimes, I volunteer on sundays if I can't volunteer on saturdays. And it's usually within this timeslot.
That still means that I don't bring my phone, so I'm going to off those times.
4:30 PM - 1 something PM: I'm mainly free, during these times, but like the other ending times, I might be on and off.

Monday - Thursday:
10:30 AM - 2:00 PM: I'm mostly free these times, but I might be on and off due to breakfast, lunch, and getting ready for the day.
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM/2:45 PM: this is where I'll really be on and off. Around this time, I need to get ready to  go to work, and I don't have a lot of time to respond to rps at the moment. However, there might be a couple times where I can sneak in a reply or two(they might be a bit shorter than normal, tho. Expect some one liners).
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Not going to be on at all. Going to be at work, where I'm not allowed to check my phone.
5:45 PM - 1 something AM: I'm free during these times. Sometimes on and off due to dinner, and family and friends.

There you go! My rp availability/schedule! I hope this helps!

Seeya on the next scenario!

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