The Parish: Waterfront

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"I won't be going any further. You all can make it to the bridge from here. Good luck to you!" Virgil had just let us off of his boat, and put us ashore the waterfront of New Orleans. Apartments and little restaurants filled the streets.

"Looks like we're on our own now, y'all ready?" Coach sighed, as we all got our weapons out. Maybe the outbreak down here wasn't as bad as it was in Savanna.

"We have to try."

We made our way through the waterfront, taking out any remaining infected. So far, it wasn't as bad here.

The next corridor revealed that we were far from the truth. The alley was overrun, filled to the rim with infected individuals. My stomach sank, and I knew this wasn't going to be easy. This was only the beginning...

We did find an overturned semi-truck with a stairway up to the second floor apartment buildings, containing various amounts of weaponry and ammunition.

Just ahead, was a restaurant with a somehow untouched jukebox. Ellis couldn't help himself, and with that choice came a horde of infected. None of us wanted to place the blame on him, he just wanted to hear his favorite band play one last time.

Something didn't feel right. I didn't feel well, and was beginning to show it. I felt the bile in my stomach rise and I make my way away from the group, in fear of scaring them.                               

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nick came over to me, as I leaned away. I had just vomited up the granola bar I had for breakfast a few hours earlier.  Nick moved my hair out of my face and held it back for me.

"Thank you, but you don't have to do that."  I tell him, trying to brush myself off like nothing had happened.

"In sickness and in health, even if we aren't married." Nick smiles, and grabs few napkins from inside of his jacket. It made my heart flutter that he would be willing to see me literally puking my guts out, but it also grossed me out.

"At least it's not boomer bile." I smile, and we began to make our way back to the group. Something felt weird, and I didn't know what had made me get so sick. It made me wonder...

"You okay there? You look like you lost ten pounds!" Rochelle picked at me, and gave me a hug. She never failed to put a smile on my face.

"Hey, can  I tell you something? It's kinda...well I need a favor."

"Okay, what's with all the secrecy? Wait...if you need tampons I have some in my bag-" Rochelle noticed how we were the two women behind the three men ahead of us. They couldn't hear us,  and she knew that too.

"That's not what I'm worried about having. It's why I'm not having that problem." I try to avoid saying the word. I could just be overanalyzing it all.

Rochelle put two and two together, realizing my situation. She seemed both excited for me and extremely nervous as well. It was like watching myself in third person. I didn't know what was happening to me. But this? Holy shit.

"I have a plan."

We walked through many rooms, buildings, corridors and eventually leading us to a safe room. Me, being myself, takes to Rochelle's side like a magnet. We even went in the bathroom together. Surprisingly, none of the group suspected anything or even batted an eye.

"Pee on the stick and then wait five minutes." Rochelle had made it her mission to get her hands on several pregnancy tests around the buildings. She found a few in a couple of the apartments. Thank God for people who were trying to have kids.

"I know how this works!" I laugh, and begin the process.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous for you... Speaking of, who's would it be?" Rochelle's seemingly innocent question had me thinking. Did I know who's baby I could be having? Not in the slightest.

"Now, we wait."

It seemed like the longest five minutes of my life. Not only would this change my life, it would change the group.  Nick and Ellis were both potential fathers, and would want to know if the baby was theirs. Coach wouldn't want to have another person to protect, and Rochelle wouldn't either. But, it's a baby. A little human.

"Kelsey, it's positive."

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