The Chosen One

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Just say it, Kelsey.

"I choose you. It's always been you, you know that. Not a day will go by that I don't love you." His hand in mine, his eyes inside of mine, his voice on repeat in my head.

"I'm so glad you came to your senses." He laughed, brushing a blonde piece of hair behind my ear. Maybe it was fate, or maybe it wasn't. Either way, we were destined to be together. Right here, right now.

"Listen, you have to promise me that you wont do anything stupid now. Like, risk your life to save mine. No more of that."

"You do realize that now I have to do that? I just got you, I'm not going to lose you. I can, however, promise to not get eaten by one of those fuckers." He laughed at me, and pulled me into a kiss. Somehow I knew that would never get old.

"I'm afraid, we've arrived at your destination..."

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