3 - just a kiss

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"Joong this isn't funny!"

Nine steps back as Joong walked towards him. Nine's heart had started pounding like crazy.

"It's just practice P'Nine. What are you so worried about? Why should this one scene be different than the rest of what we rehearsed before?"

Although Nine refused to admit it, Joong has a point. What is it that bothers him so much about kissing Joong? Granted this will be his first time kissing a guy but it shouldn't be that different from all the girls he had kissed.

It's just Joong. Just this tall gremlin.

"Okay. Fine. Let's give it a run through." Nine agreed.

"Let's start with Kit spraying air freshner on Ming." Joong said as he plunged on the bed.

Nine followed the script and when it was time to lay down beside Joong he can suddenly feel a rush of heat in his face.

The room was silent and only their movements against the bed sheets can be heard.

Joong turned towards Nine with his eyes still closed, still following the script of Ming who was pretending to be sleeping.

He slowly opened his eyes and placed a finger on Nine's lips as if to let him know to not make any noise. He moved closer and closer until their lips were touching.

With his heart pumping full of adrenaline, Nine's mind was racing. He lay beside Joong unresponsive to the kiss. Gently, Joong deepens the kiss and Nine found himself kissing him back. His lips opening up for Joong. His hands wrapped around on Joong's neck to pull him closer. He felt Joong's arms around his waist.

Without breaking the kiss, Joong pushed himself on top of Nine. This time his lips wanted more. He was insatiable, for Nine's lips was so soft. He became hungrier for it with each passing minute.

Nine locked his arms around Joong.



Is this still part of the script?

The question seemed to have dissolved immediately from the heat Joong was giving him. They both lost any sense of time, Joong just wanted to kiss him more and Nine just wanted to give in.

Nine was shocked when Joong stood up and left the bedroom. He heard the maindoor opened and then closed. He sat up, totally confused of what had happened.



Is he angry at me?

He can't help but ask himself. So many thoughts and questions popping in and out of his mind.

Is it because we..

Nine couldn't finish the self-asked-question. He can feel the blood rushing to his face again.

We kissed.

We kissed a lot.

The realization hits him.

He got up and went to the living area. He got his bag and recklessly opened it, looking for the script. When he got a hold of the stacks of stapled paper he flipped through it like crazy. Delusionaly hoping that maybe, just maybe it was written in there somewhere that the kiss would take that long or anything else that they did is included in there, for validation. So he could justify what they did.

It wasn't.

He put his palm on his forehead. He began pacing back and forth again.

What am I supposed to do now?

He stopped walking in circles as an idea had strucked him.

Wait a minute. It was his idea. So technically it was his fault. I was just.. I was cooperative. That's right.

In the following hours, Nine spent his time convincing himself that Joong was to blame for it all. He also rehearsed how he would act around him when he comes back later.

He peeked through the balcony. It was getting dark and Joong still hasn't comeback. He reached for his phone and began typing.

No. No. Why would I send him a message.

He put the phone down and just watched the clock spin.

Nine heard the doorknob twist and he immediately lay down on the couch and scroll through his phone acting cool and unbothered. All the while extremely anticipating for Joong to come in.

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