9 - drink and drop

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The past weeks flown by with Joong and Nine still playing cat and mouse. Joong kept on chasing Nine with apologies and he seems to be getting nowhere.

Today was the last day of the shoot and Joong was losing hope.

Nine acts his usual self around everyone else except towards him. Nine had became so formal with Joong that it aggrivates him. Joong wanted his old Nine back. The pissed Nine, the sassy Nine, the easily annoyed Nine and most of all, the caring Nine.

His every attempt of conversation with him was dismissed. It would always end with Nine pretending to be going somewhere or doing something, literally anything just to get away from him.

Joong misses him, so much so that he hugs Nine's pillow so he could fall asleep. His nights for the past few weeks have become barely tolerable now. He got used to sleeping on the same bed as Nine.

There will be a party for the cast and crew tonight to celebrate the wrap up of the shoot and Joong had planned on taking advantage of it to corner Nine. It would be his last chance because after that they'll have to go back to their normal lives and probably would only get to meet each other during public events, where they would once again act sweet in front of the fans.

Joong arrived at the party venue. It was a local bar that the producer had rented out for the night. There was a loud booming music and almost everyone was already there.

His eyes roam around and scan the dim litted place. At a table overflowing with food and bottles of alcohol he saw Nine taking shots one after the other. Pavel was cheering him on while Ben, Earth and Dome was trying to make him slow down.

Joong made his way to their table and sat down beside Pavel. He was greeted by the group and Pavel handed him a soda. Nine didn't even looked at him. Joong stared at Nine, he noticed that his cheeks were now tinted with pink blush, a clear sign that Nine is close to being drunk.

"How many is that now? 8 or 10? I lost count." Pavel reffered to the shots Nine has been downing like regular water.

Joong sat in silence and kept his eyes on Nine, who continued on drinking like he was born to do just that. Joong wanted to reach out and stop him but he knew it would end badly.

When Pavel dragged Dome to dance and Ben accompanied Earth to the restroom, they were left on the table all alone, Joong scooted closer to Nine.

By this time Nine was getting hiccups as his shoulders jump up and down. He finally turned to his side to look at Joong.

He made a hand gesture for Joong to sit beside him like he was calling a puppy. Bewildered, Joong moved to sit close to him. Nine placed a hand at Joong's ear and the other leaned in to listen.

"I lkeklsyuu." It was then followed by a hiccup.

Nine was grinning like he had accomplished a great task.

Joong did not understand a word that Nine had said. It was gibberish and the chance of understanding whatever it is was drowned away by the loudness of the music.

"What did you say P'Nine?" He asked.

Nine just chuckled and stood up, too drunk to walk straight. Joong promptly stand by to assist him if he falls.

"P'Nine where are you going?" Joong asks as he follows Nine whom he thought at first was going to the restroom. Joong watched as Nine wobbly made his way to the DJ's booth on the stage and grabbed the microphone, stopping the music and stealing everyone's attention.

In front of the whole cast and crew, with a drunk grin on his blushed face and in between his hiccups, he spoke on the microphone.

"I like Joong.."

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