7 - left me in pieces

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Now it was Nine's turn to be silent. What Joong said had caught him off guard. He did not see it coming. Nine could feel his cheeks heating up.

He looked at Joong who was staring at him, like he was waiting for an answer. This was the boy he was annoyed of since they met but he can't deny how in some days Joong cheers him up through his lame jokes and childish pranks.

Joong started out as his coworker and then a housemate and after the kiss it suddenly had taken an immense turn for Nine, for the reason why he didn't want to kiss Joong in the first place is that he's scared.

Scared that he might actually be liking him. And now he knew, he does.

Nine stood up from the couch almost tripping on his own feet. His heart was pumping hard. This was a first for him, the first time he liked a guy in his whole life.

Maybe it's time to not be scared anymore. Nine thought to himself.

He turned to Joong and cleared his throat.

"Joong.. I lik-"

"JUST KIDDING! It's a prank P'Nine. I got you." Joong started laughing cheekily.

The color in Nine's face vanished. He turned pale from the confusion.

It's only a prank?

It took a moment before he realized it, he felt stupid falling for Joong's prank again and more importantly, falling for him. Joong got him, he got him good.

Nine felt tears builds up in his eyes. He was ashamed. He almost confessed to Joong only to find out it was just a prank. Nine balled his hands into a fist. A mixture of shame and anger swirled inside of him. He took a step towards Joong.

In a swift swing of Nine's palm, he slapped Joong on the cheek, creating a sound that echoed inside their home.

Joong didn't know how to react. His cheek stings and he felt like his heart stopped beating. He looked at Nine, there were tears in his eyes.

Before Joong could say anything Nine went to their bedroom and packed his clothes in a bag and left, slamming the door on his way out.

Joong stood up from the couch having found the energy to chase after Nine. He acted on fear seeing Nine's face when he confessed, like he wasn't ready to hear everything Joong had said. And so he thought a prank cover up would be a quick fix for the situation before it got too awkward.

But what Joong did not expect is for Nine to slap him and walk away.

Could it be that P'Nine likes me back? He must be. I'm so stupid.

Joong ran across the hallway to the elevator but it seemed like it wasn't his lucky day, it was taking too long. He decided to take the stairs and run like mad all the way down from the 15th floor to the ground floor.

Sweat was dripping on his face when he reached the lobby. His eyes roam around trying to find Nine.

I'm gonna make this right. I need to make this right. Joong chanted in his head as he starts to panic.

When he saw no sign of Nine in the lobby, he went outside. There in the dark near the highway, he saw him, getting in on a taxi that just pulled over.

"P'NINE!!" He shouted, hoping it will catch Nine's attention.

It didn't.

Joong chased after the speeding vehicle but the more he try to catch up to it, the faster and distant it gets. Joong stopped running when he felt like his knees and lungs were about to gave out.

The taxi drove away till Joong could no longer see it's backlights in the dark.

Joong wiped his face with his palm. He tried to catch his breath. He stamped his feet on the ground out of frustration. He wanted to punch and kick himself.

He fished out his phone from his pocket. And he typed away a message for Nine, an apology, a confession and a promise.

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