☀︎ Chapter 004

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Kongpob pretended as if he hadn't seen the hazers and just passed their table without even sparing a single glance or even acknowledging their presence. But Arthit saw him and that makes him enraged so promptly he stood up and called the junior not so loud but loud enough to be heard of that latter.


Kongpob halted his step when he heard his name called by the man he wants to avoid. Yet he didn't turn around to face that person, he wasn't done cursing his unlucky day.

"0062, can you please come here?"

Arthit called the junior once again still trying to sound steady, trying to hide his annoyance but inside he wanted to strangle the junior for his attitude.

When Kongpob heard the senior again this time he turned to face the hazers and greet them all. From being like a wild animal the other hazers suddenly fell silent as if the angel flew over them and just watched the two young men.

"Where is your signature notebook?"

Arthit asked as he noticed the junior didn't hold anything except the strap of his bag. But without giving the junior a chance to answer he asked again another question.

"Have you gotten my signature?"

Although he knew already the answer because he watched the junior doing nothing ever since he came to the canteen still wanted to hear it from the latter mouth so he had a reason to punish him but in an unobtrusive way.

Kongpob sighed, he already had an idea of what the senior intentions "No P, and if you will ask me if I want your signature my answer is No so P' excuse me but I have something more important to do".

Kongpob replied truthfully.
Indeed for him sleeping is more important rather than doing the task of collecting the signatures of the seniors, he lost his interest when he witnessed how the exchange of it.

Shocked and speechless will be understandable to those who heard of what he just said including Arthit's friends whose jaw are hanging wide open. No one dares to reject their friend unless you're looking for a fight.

'Whatever Arthit Rojnapat wants should be given'

And that makes Arthit irk even more. "You think the task that I ordered isn't important? Don't you know who you're talking to?".

Arthit stared at the junior with a burning eye expressing how annoyed he was.
Kongpob felt the fierce gaze of the elder however he remained still motionless obviously he wasn't intimidated.

Being oblivious Kongpob answered the elder with the fact that he only knew about the senior unaware of the true meaning of the question.

"I know who you are P i clearly heard the introduction you made earlier. Your name is P'Arthit our third-year senior and the head of the hazing team". Kongpob looked at his wristwatch and saw that he lost many minutes already "P I'm sorry but I need to go".

"Huh?" Arthit became speechless for a while, didn't know how should he react. Indeed he was angry at his rudeness but looking at the man in front of him he couldn't help but only sigh heavily.

'That's all he knows about me? Wasn't he watching the news or at least looking at a magazine? well what else can I expect? After all he was a nerd'. He comments to himself.

Yes. Being the only son of a tycoon businessman, Arthit was famous too that he could be compared to a celebrity that's why he expects everyone to know who he was specifically in a place like K.U.

My NOT so INNOCENT LOVERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ