☀︎︎ Chapter 007

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Next day...

I reached the University and as usual everyone glares at me...well frankly I'm getting used to the expression that they showed me.
Since the school started this is what I always received whenever they see me anyway.

It's just funny that at my work everyone there likes and admires me while here at school? obviously the opposite, cool right?.

As I arrived at the locker I remembered what happened the other day, the reason why I'm preoccupied throughout that day even in my work. Why? I don't know but I'm distracted by his gorgeous face especially the way how he blushed, it's stuck in my mind which caused me to lose my focus and to the point that I do some mistakes and even saw him too with my customers.

Maybe if that senior isn't the son of the devil I could fall for him but thankfully that'll never happen.

As I stood in front of my locker, I saw AGAIN the same paper with a ❌ mark written on it. This is the 2nd time I've seen this paper.
I wondered where it came from and who put it.

I took it, crumpled, put it into my pocket and took all my things in the locker but as I was closing it suddenly someone pushed me against the lockers. I turned around to see who it was and saw the 5 men lining in front of me with a giant smile on their faces.

"Hey, you're blocking our locker move your ass nerdy" The fat senior said.

"Don't you know how to greet your senior?" The tall senior asked.

I stared at them first before I greet them but without any words after I step aside to give them space.

No offense but frankly when i look at them they look like a bunch of goons instead of students. If they didn't wear ID's they can suspect as an outsider.

"What are you looking at nerd? Do you have a problem?" the other senior asked.
I shook my head still didn't say any word, i turned around and walked away from them.
I heard them laughing still i ignored them.

I don't want any more trouble.

Before i go to my class i went to the restroom first, while i was washing my hands the door open appeared the same group of seniors who i saw in the locker. I felt something strange but try to dismiss it, I just took a tissue and wipe my hands, I glanced in the mirror again and saw the seniors standing behind me, watching me with a creepy smile. I felt uneasy so i try to walk towards the door so I could leave but they blocked me and lock the door.

"Where do you think you are going nerd? We're not done yet with you. We haven't introduced ourselves right?" the fat senior said and smirked at me. I didn't respond but kept staring at them.

"Hey, are you mute? We're talking to you bastard" the tall senior looked at me with an angry face and they surrounded me in the sink. Actually, I'm not scared of them but being a nerd' I should act like that.

It's time to put my acting skills.

"W-What do you want from me? Please Let me go" I said trying to sound scared and it seems like i convinced them.

"Ohhh did you hear that? The nerd can talk" they laughed even more.

"Please i did nothing wrong to you, please let me go. Why are you doing this to me?" I plead, i pushed them lightly away from me to make my acting credible, but i wish someone would come in so they can stop from whatever they intend to do.

My NOT so INNOCENT LOVEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora