☀︎︎ Chapter 003

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"Kong w-what have you done? Do you know who's that man you're messing with?"
Em asked after the hazers left.

Kongpob sat down again next to him, he rolled his eyes at the question of his best friend "Why? Aren't you listening while he introduced himself?".

Em frowned "Shiaa Kong that's not what i mean" he sighed "of course i know him, my question is why did you say that? dude that senior is the son I mean the ONLY SON of the most richest person here in our country and look what you did...you fucking messing up him just right now. I saw the smile he gave to you before he left Ahh that was a bad sign Kong" Em caressed his arm.

Kongpob didn't seem to care what Em just said because he was already aware that most of the students studying at Kasetsart University came from a rich family and the remaining % were scholars like him but what was confusing to him was when he heard the last sentence that he messed up the senior.

"How? I hadn't even said anything bad or do anything wrong I just said what I thought was right".

"For you it's nothing but what about him? Kong I'm telling you as much as possible Please don't make him angry again or don't talk to him...maybe it's better if you just avoid him or hide if you saw him... You don't know what he's capable of. W-what if he beat you? Or what if he order one of hmmm".

Kongpob being clueless about what was bothering Em and thought that he's being paranoid again like earlier he didn't let him finish what he's saying. Kongpob covered Em's mouth to silence him and when his best friend stopped mumbling he removed his hand.

"Come on Em you just thinking too much and blabbering nonsense again. How i can avoid him if i need to attend this hazing? Silly...trust me nothing's gonna happen okay? And how many times do I have to tell you I can take care of myself? so stop worrying for nothing". Kong smiled at him and playfully punched him in his arm. He doesn't like it when Em was worried because of him so instead, he changed their conversation and discussed their class schedule until the second-year senior dismissed them.

Being in the same social circle Em knows everything about the senior, how powerful and influential his family that's why he was worried for his best friend because he knew with just a snap of the finger Arthit can easily kick anyone out of the school. Unlike Kongpob who doesn't have any idea who is Arthit except his name and being the head hazer.

As Em and Kongpob walking out of the hall, the three students approached them. "Hey, dude you were so cool earlier you didn't afraid to P'Arthit... I'm Oak by the way" he smiled and extend his hand.

'Why does everyone seems afraid of him?'
Kongpob asked himself he's really confused

Kongpob accepted the handshake "I'm Kongpob and this is Em" he just replies with a thin smile. He was surprised and happy at the same time he didn't expect that someone will introduce themselves to him even though he's dressed differently.

However, he's satisfied with his best friend and wants to distance himself from others so his disguise won't reveal. Aside from that according to the book he read a nerd shouldn't befriend more than one.

"I'm Tew and this is Wad... hmm do you guys play online games?" Em, face brightened up when he heard about that but Kongpob didn't react because he had no interest in it. "I know a good place want to play later?" Tew continue

"Sure sure let's play later" Em reply excitedly. Kongpob observes his bestfriend and it's obvious that he likes them to be friends.

The 5 teenagers decided to go to the canteen to eat and do the task because they were sure that many senior was there. Kongpob stayed silent walking with them while listening to their conversation, he felt out of place once again because they were talking about their family business. He has nothing to say because he's not rich like them and his father was unemployed so before they will ask him and embarrassing himself he excused first saying he'll go to the locker to check it and put his things there. At first, the four boys wanted to accompany him but he refused them saying that he'll follow them after.

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