☀︎︎ Chapter 005 🔞

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"Simba get ready, you are next"
The bouncer shouted my name outside of the dressing room.

Simba was my name in the place where i worked and no one knows my real identity, even the staff and the owner knew nothing about me except the two persons my manager and Bunny.

Actually, I don't socialize with others because there's no reason for me to be friendly with them, most of them are jealous and envious because of the special treatment given to me.

But Out of all my co-workers, Bunny was exceptional and the only person who I considered as my friend in the bar, Although he just working for only 3 months yet we clicked almost immediately.

I'm the favorite and high-paid performer in the club so i performed on the stage once a week only or if we have events and big clients unlike the others. But i talked to my manager and requested to make it twice a week and I was not surprised to hear that the owner agreed to my request. In fact, the owner said I'm SPECIAL that i was the star on his bar so it's a favor to him. I performed on a regular night so even it's weekdays the bar still has income.

Tonight is the night of my performance to dance naked on the stage.

Yeah, I am Stripper.

Being a stripper isn't my first choice and I hate what I am now but I was desperate to earn easy money...well people say Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I admit that Stripping got me a much better income unlike my other previous jobs, I could provide the needs of my father since he depends on me as well as my daily expenses especially now that I'm started studying in college. However, I'm still ashamed of what I'm doing, after all this isn't a decent job.

I lost my confidence to show my real self to many people, I was afraid that I might accidentally bump into one of my customers and suddenly recognize me and might criticize me that's why I chose to change my appearance so that no one would recognize me.

At first, i was completely terrified and embarrassed to expose my naked body to a room full of strangers and giving a lap dance to different men trice of my age but in the end i was able to overcome it and I've been working as a stripper for almost 6 months now. My pride doesn't matter to me, I've already swallowed that from the start i do this job.

Before I went on the stage to perform, i opened the cabinet under my table and picked up the small box in which i placed my weeds that i rolled a few days ago and took the lighter in my bag. Then i lit up the tube and started to smoke.

YES. I always smoke weeds before i perform so i could do my job well and give my audience a great show.

It was Tiger, my co-worker who taught me to used it. He watched and observed my performance during my first week as a stripper and he say it sucks and boring that no one took an interest watching me so he offered me to use this kind of smoke, he said that it would help me to do my job well. I didn't think twice to used it that time why? Because i don't want to get fired and he was my mentor and more skilled than me so i listen to him.

After i smoke it i can say that it's really effective... my body moves spontaneously along with the beat of the song and the effects on me were really good, so comfortable that i felt like nobody's watching me and i felt like I was light and floating as if I don't have anything on my mind.

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