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I woke up this morning and saw Amelia still asleep. I quickly turned off my alarm and turned back to make sure I didn't wake her up. She had gotten sick last night. I was sure it was from the drinking, but from the nights that I have spent with her in the past, she seemed to be able to drink much more. I don't know, maybe I am over thinking it.

I laid my head back down on the pillow, sparing two minutes to admire this beautiful human laying next to me. Amelia really was gorgeous. Her long eyelashes moved slightly with the small flutters of her eyelids. She must be dreaming.

She still had a bit of her make-up on from last night, but it wasn't that noticeable. Her eye shadow was a bit rubbed off, but by the way her eyeliner was still on her eyes, you'd think she just drew it on. I wonder if they can wash it off? I would be scared to put something on my eyes like that.

Her hair was beautifully fanned out around my arm, which was numb from her head. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I didn't want to move to wake her, but also to leave her. I would stay here and watch her sleep all day if I could.

As my five minute reminder went off, I slowly reached over and pressed the 'stop' button. I slowly slid my arm out from Amelia's head as she made a slight movement, stretching. She fluttered her eyes open for a split second, and then closed them again taking a deep breath.

I shook Zion's foot which was hanging out of the comforter of his bed to wake him. He opened his eyes and began to rub them harshly.

"Eight already bro?" he yawned.

"Yeah, now go get a shower," I ordered.

We were supposed to be downstairs in the lobby by nine. We didn't have any filming to do this morning, it was just a meeting on our schedule for the next few days.

I got in the shower shortly after Zion got out. I started humming a random tune while I was in the shower and had to record it into my voice notes. We're always working on a new songs, so we like to note all of our ideas. I guess I got some motivation this morning admiring Amelia while she slept peacefully beside me.

I cleaned up and threw on some shorts and a hoodie. I grabbed the first hat I saw on the way out the door before I closed it lightly. I was surprised that we didn't wake the girls up with our 'quiet' attempt at getting ready.

As our manager was wrapping up our meeting, I asked if I could have a pen and paper. I started to jot down a few adjectives and verses that I thought sounded good together.

After our manager sent us for another free roam day before the next few days of hard work ahead, I told the boys to stay back so I could let them listen to the voice note and read my personal lyrics. I played my voice memo for the boys and instantly Brandon pulled out his phone and played his lyrics.

We came up with the idea the song could be about each of our 'special moments' with the girls we we with. We each pulled together some of our lyrics and fit them piece by piece, verse by verse into a song.

"Eyes off you, I like it," our manager said as he continued to listen to us harmonize and sing it. I swore to myself when we first formed the band, that I would not sing about any girl. Well, I was breaking that rule. Everything that I want to say, everything that I want to sing, is about Amelia. She is constantly in my head. She is like a picture in my mind that I can't get rid of because it is nailed to the inside of my brain. I don't know how to take it down, so I am always looking at it, admiring it.

That's it, I had to do something special for this girl.

After I finished singing my verse, I knew she was the one. I needed to make her mine, now. Taking her out on an actual date would be nice actually. I wanted to show her the song, sing it for her, but I didn't know if I was ready.

"We have about two hours left until noon, we can try to record some of this and I can look for something to make the beat out of. Let's start with a capella first," Brandon said and headed down the hall to the recording studio.

We asked permission to use all of the equipment and Brandon went to work on the beats while we recorded our verses. I spoke to Zion about my plans and he insisted on taking Alison so we could have a double date.

After about forty-five minutes of him begging me to let him come, I finally gave in. I turned to Edwin almost asking if he wanted to invite Emily, but thankfully I remember last nights events before I opened my big mouth.

I knew Edwin saw Alison and Brandon flirting, but I had no idea if anyone had told him yet that his girl now belonged to Brandon. That might be a tough pill for Ed to swallow.

Once we got back to the hotel and all climbed out of the black SUV that came and picked us up, I headed into the elevator with a huge smile on my face. I really hoped Amelia felt the same.

Chapter chapter chapter, YAY!

Message me any questions you have.

Follow me for more updates and stories. I have a few more I'm working on as well AND a fully finished book called 'Overcome', which is a Nick and Brandin fanfic.

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