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I woke up around seven to pain in my stomach and noise trailing from my phone. As I scrubbed my eyes and held my stomach, I slowly trudged to the bathroom.

Ever since my appointment on Monday, I've been getting cramps like no other. I've spoken back with my doctor, and she told me that it was natural to get cramps in the place of my period. They weren't really 'horrible' cramps either, they were like long, drawn out, lingering cramps that you barely notice. I had barely gotten sleep since my appointment as well, these cramps loved to make their appearance when I was sleeping, or 'trying' to sleep.

Once I walked back to my bed and rested my head on my pillow, my phone was still making noise. I scrunched my eyebrows together and squinted at my phone screen to almost all of my social media platforms bursting with notifications. I knew that Nick's fans knew we were together and all, but I wondered why they were so active this early in the morning.

I unlocked my phone and opened my messages first. I had a long message from Nick. Although I was not in the mood to read a book this early in the morning, something in my stomach urged me to read it. The text read:

"Amelia, I just want to start off by telling you how sorry I am. I should've never left you. I haven't stopped thinking about that moment and I've prayed day and night for any chance to go back and do things different.

You have always been there for me, encouraging me to be better, telling me how proud you are of me, and basically making me feel like the happiest person on earth. Thinking that this is how I repay you in your most needed time really makes me feel horrible. How could I do such a stupid thing to you?

I know I mentioned the word abortion to you. I regret it every time it replays in my mind. Seeing your reaction after the word slipped my mouth was horrifying. I could say I was stupid for using that word but all in all I was just scared.

I don't want you to abort the baby, my baby, our baby. I don't want you to give it away either. I am so happy and thankful that God has given us this precious gift. I have so much more to tell you and a formal apology if you will just hear me out.

On our flight home, I wrote a song for you, it would make me the happiest man on earth if you would please just listen to it."

Below the message, nick had attached a link to PRETTYMUCH's YouTube channel.

I immediately clicked on the link. I brought my hand up to my cheek and wiped away the wetness realizing I had been crying, I truly like Nick. Yes, I am hurt by his choice of words and his actions upon me telling him I was pregnant, but it wasn't all his fault. I need to realize that. He deserves a chance.

As my phone switched apps, movement came from Alison's bed. I looked up, squinting my eyes to adjust to the darkness and there she lay looking at me.

"What's wrong?" she yawned.

"Can you watch this with me?" I asked her feeling vulnerable.

She sighed, got up from her bed and walked over burrowing under my covers.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I don't know, Nick sent me this long sweet message and now everyone is tagging me in this video they posted on YouTube," I shrugged as the video loaded.

When the video started to play, Brandon began to play chords on the piano. Alison's eyes lit up as the camera focused in on him. When he began to sing, I could tell this song was about to be a sad one.

The camera zoomed out to Nick standing in front of a microphone and I heard his sweet, soft voice trail through my speakers. My breath hitched in my throat at his vocals.

"I would rather be without vison before I ever watch you leave girl."

My heart started beating faster as my mind began to make sense of this whole situation. He just got through singing "Eyes off You" for me and the girls, and now he was singing another one, solely to me. I knew I was going to end up forgiving him in time, but this makes it so much harder for me to refuse to forgive him any longer.

As Ali and I continued to listen to this beautiful song, tears began to form in my eyes. I could see the pain in Nick's eyes as he continued to sing. By the time they had gotten to the end, belching out sweet and powerful notes, my eyes were overflowing with tears. I figured Nick and the boys were already asleep, and after a short conversation about what I planned to do next, Alison was asleep as well.

As I laid next to her, my mind wandered all over the place, preventing me from falling asleep. As the brightness of the sun began to show itself through our window, I stayed still, staring at the ceiling surrendering to my thoughts.

Happy reading! More chapters to come guys!

Thanks for being patient with me!

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