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The boys and I left a bit early the next morning to go put the finishing touches on our songs and hopefully get a song list ready for the album. Edwin had been working on a great piece for a song. You could tell exactly who inspired it too. I'll let you guess that later though. It took us the majority of the day to perfect and record all of our verses to the song.

Austin and Zion wrote a long verse for the ending of the song which Zion decided to turn into a rap. We have had other artists featured on our songs, but we've never rapped ourselves. This would be something different to the fans, but I think they'll love it. Zion sounded really dope rapping too.

Of course we wanted Brandon to open up the song and Edwin wanted to do the honors of singing the main chorus. The theme of the song was pretty relatable too. I think it will be another hit. Our manager wanted to name the song 'Patience' but we decided on 'Phases.'

We finally got home around three in the after noon after a long day. As much as we wanted to keep it a secret from the girls that we had recorded yet another new song,

Zion had a different idea. He wasted no time tearing through the house yelling, "I'm a fucking certified rapper! Y'all don't even know!"

It's not that we didn't trust the girls, we just wanted it to be a surprise to them as well. Oh well. Zion can't keep anything secret.

When the fans tell us he has the most 'crackhead energy' of the group, I can't disagree with them anymore. They are absolutely right.

Brandon stomped up to his room where I'm guessing Maggie was while I flipped down onto the couch in between Amelia and Alison.

"How was your day? And what's this about rapping?" Amelia laughed.

"Secrets out, we had a good day and even recorded a new song to which Zion rapped a verse," I explained quickly.

"My mans rapping now? Hell yeah!" Alison flew up from the couch and ran to Zion in the kitchen asking him question after question. "Let me hear it?" she asked over and over again.

"I'd love to hear it too. I didn't know you guys were working on anything new?" Amelia questioned from beside me.

I threw my arm around her shoulders and answered her.

"Well, it was Edwins idea," I trailed off.

"Ohh, I get it," she widened her eyes.

"Yep," I replied.

"What are we watching?" Austin asked from the recliner.

"Mean Girls," Amelia answered.

"I love Mean Girls!" Austin shouted while we laughed at him.

"So, when can we hear this 'rapping' song if you guys won't let us hear it now?" Alison asked in a pissy tone while wondering back into the living room.

"You'll just have to wait until we release the album," I smiled at her from across the living room.

Amelia rolled her eyes at me with a grin on her face.

"When will that be?" Amelia asked.

"We're planning on releasing it Wednesday on Apple Music, Spotify and stuff, but we don't know exactly when it will hit stores yet," Austin answered.

"Oh yeah, we got to gas it up on social media though. So y'all be prepared to share our shit!" Zion yelled from the kitchen.

We spent the majority of the night dodging the girls requests to hear the new song and posting all over our social media's about the new album release date. We were already trending on twitter which was amazing. Our fan base was probably the best out of them all. They were awesome. They always supported us one hundred percent. We were really blessed to be able to have such a wide verity of fans all over the world. We wouldn't be us without them.

Tuesday morning was well spent with our manager in meetings about our actual album and when it would be on shelves. They said they could get them in stores around the United States in two weeks. As long as we got our fans the songs on Apple Music, Spotify, etc. I didn't mind. That wasn't that long anyway.

When we got home, everyone was pretty much worn out from the busy few days we have had. Amelia and I napped on and off while we watched Hulu in my room. She wasn't feeling too well anyway. The boys were doing God knows what downstairs. Soon enough it was Wednesday and the fans were blowing up our social media's with all of our new tracks.

Short chapter I know, but I wanted to update again before we hit 10k reads! Y'all are the best!

I also want to say a thanks to the people who vote because were at 1k! <3

Vote and comment!


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