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"Uber is here!" I heard Emily shout from the front of the house.

"You ready?" Nick asked me while snaking his arm around my waste.

"I am but are you cutie?" I asked him with a smirk on my face.

Nick had on a striped shirt with what's seemed like every chain he could find in his room around his neck. His hair looked shiny and well-groomed telling a story that he was in a great mood to have fun tonight.

"Well, there are some things I'd like to take care of first but I guess that can wait till we get home," he whispered in my ear while lightly squeezing my hip.

I closed my eyes to his words and couldn't help but smile. With the medicine I had been taking, I had been feeling a lot better. So, maybe I actually would be able to have some fun with Nick tonight. He's been so caring lately, he deserved some pleasure too.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked Emily as I climbed in beside her and sat in the middle seat of the Uber.

"Well, there isn't really any clubs open on a Monday night, but I found this cool sports bar that's near us, it should be fun," she replied.

I had been meaning to ask her what has been up lately, but being gone all day, I didn't have the time. She had been pretty distant, her and Maggie seemed to have gotten a little close since we got here a week ago. Which was weird but none of my business. Maggie was fine, we just didn't talk much. She always seemed to have an attitude around me. Edwin, Austin, Maggie, and Brandon rode in a separate Uber to the sports bar.

On the drive across town to the sports bar, I held Nick's hand in the Uber. Nick was sweet regardless, but there was something about him being tipsy that made him seem so lovable.

"You're so cute, you know that? We're going to have some cute ass kids," Nick whispered in my ear while his hot breath fanned on my neck sending goosebumps down my spine.

I tilted my head which closed in the space around my neck not allowing him to tickle me anymore. I flashed my eyes up to Nick taking in his appearance. The Uber was dark, but the way Nick's eyes reflected off of the light from the front stereo and the outside streetlights was beautiful.

"If they are, it's because of you," I smiled at him.

"That's a lie and you know it," he laughed at my reply.

I flashed him a teethy smile as the Uber pulled into a parking lot.

"We're here!" Zion yelled excitedly from the front seat.

As we made our way into this restaurant/ bar, I noticed that it was decently packed. What the fuck, it's Monday? Our bars in Panama City were dead on Mondays, unless it was spring break or a holiday.

"Yeah I know, but there is always something going on in L.A." Nick answered my mental question after reading my confused expression.

I nodded at him and followed Emily to a big booth.

"Let's get some drinks, pronto," she stated while trying to flag down a waitress at the bar.

"What's with you tonight?" I nudged her. In my opinion, she was being a little rude.

"Nothing really, I'm just tired of people telling me what to do."

Having no idea what she was talking about, I kept poking.

"Who's telling you what to do?"

She rolled her eyes and made eye contact with me.

"I don't want to talk about it," she paused. When she realized I wasn't going to let up so continued, "It's just, Edwin is being really clingy. I like him a lot, but I like my space. It's hard to explain. You wouldn't understand."

She waved me off. A few weeks ago she was excited and thankful to be in the same room next to the boys and now she has the opportunity to date Edwin and she is acting this way?

"It's okay, I get it," I replied to her in an understanding tone.

I didn't know how exactly she felt about her situation and what was going on, but I could understand the concept of a clingy significant other, I've been there before. It's like you want a little clingyness in the relationship to keep you satisfied and certain that they still want you, but you also don't want too much to where they overwhelm you and make you feel trapped. It's a really hard thing to explain. But that's relationships for you.

As everyone ordered their taste in alcohol, I stuck with sweet tea, which as you might have guessed it, was horrible compared to our sweet tea back home. Being from the south, there was nothing that I couldn't like more than some overly sweetened sweet tea.

An hour later, everyone, except me, was feeling pretty good. We had managed to all get pretty emotionally invested in a random football game on one of the T.V.s in front of our table. The boys were placing bets on what they thought would happen, who would intercept and when, and the ending scores. It was really entertaining to watch them make a fool out of themselves.

When the game ended the bar started playing some music decently loud on the speaker to which Emily got up and started to dance. She was a little drunk. By the way that Alison got up and started to dance with her let me know that she was feeling good too. What shocked me the most was the fact that Alison dragged Zion out to the middle to dance with her while Emily found a random guy to throw it back on.

After noticing it wasn't Edwin and judging Emily for a few seconds, I looked back to Edwin on the opposite side of the table. His face had fallen from the smile he had earlier while watching the game. He just sat there, motionless with a frown evident on his face staring at Emily dance with this random guy.

"I'm sorry, Edwin. I don't know what's wrong with her. She doesn't normally act like this," I said and reached across the table to touch his hand.

"She's just blowing off some steam. We had an argument earlier," he explained to me with sadness present in his tone.

Nick squeezed my knee to my sweet remark making me look over at him. He gave me a sly smile so I laid my head into his shoulder.

"You about ready?" he whispered to me.

"Yeah. It's getting pretty late," I replied.

I thought we would all benefit if we just left now before anyone could do anything else stupid. After hearing Emily's endless drunk protests, we finally got her outside of the bar. She was stumbling everywhere but we managed to keep an eye on her.

As we were waiting on the Uber, Alison and Zion started messing around on her Snapchat, taking funny drunk videos. I swore they were the same person. Everything they did, including how they acted, was so similar it was humorous.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of Nick. As my flash went off, he noticed and posed for the picture.

"Cute," I laughed while posting the picture to my Snapchat.

"Let me see," he whined while trying to take my phone from me.

"No!" I squealed and turned around to run as he wrapped his arms around my stomach, picking me up and spinning me around.

"You don't tell me no," he laughed while putting me down and beginning to tickle me.

"Stop, stop!" I shouted while running away from him.

"You guys make me miss Ansley. Quit being cute, it's gross," Austin crossed his arms and whined from beside us.

"Y'all are gross, too," Nick laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Wow, great comeback," I chuckled and slapped his shoulder.

My busy week is over! That means updates!

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