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My finals weren't hitting me as hard as Alison's. Her finals were centered more along the lines of multiple choice and studying while mine were written in the form of research papers. I didn't know how I did it, but I did.

We applied for graduation and everything was done, we just had to fly back home tomorrow to attend and walk across the stage. I ended my semester with three A's and two B's while Alison made three B's and two A's. That was really fucking awesome for both of us taking five classes at one time while also living in a different state.

Since the baby shower last weekend, I put off moving until Alison and I finished our finals and got back home from graduation. As excited as I was about moving into an apartment with Nick and my best friend, I knew I would focus better on finals if we waited.

"Are you all packed and ready sweetie?" my dad spoke as he leaned into my room from the hallway.

"Yep, I just finished packing my over night bag with my dress and everything," I said and smiled up at him from the floor.

"How are you feeling?" he asked concerned.

Other than my heartburn, high blood pressure, and slight nausea, I'd actually been feeling fine. I was able to eat and keep my food down while getting a decent amount of sleep, but still feeling tired all the time which I read was normal. I'd been doing good though, I'd put on a few pounds and sometimes I had to stay off of my feet for awhile because they tended to swell up, but baby B was healthy. That was all that mattered to me.

"Good," I answered pushing myself off of the ground.

"We're leaving at eight in the morning, so be ready. Goodnight, I love you." My dad walked into my room kissing my forehead and lightly laying his hand on my belly for a few seconds moving his thumb back and forth before leaving the room and shutting my door behind him.

He popped back in right after he shut the door. "I am so proud of you," he smiled and quickly shut the door again.

I loved that man.

Nick didn't spend the night with me only because Zion loved to sleep in, and if Nick wasn't there to physically wake him up, he would miss the flight. It was only me, Nick, Zion, Alison, and my father going. Plane rides were getting a little on the expensive side, especially being so close to the holidays and all, so the boys told us they would throw us a party when we got back home. I understood that though, money was tight as it was.

Of course, I still had the money from my mothers house and car and all, but I wanted to save that for the baby. Upon driving back into town once we landed, I noticed it looked a lot better than it did the last time I was here. Although, it still looked pretty bad. Trees were still scattered here and there, houses hadn't been fixed yet and power lines were still being worked on. Some of these people had to rebuild from scratch and that was definitely going to take time.

"It's pretty late, how about we check in to our hotel and order room service. I want to make sure you girls get a good nights sleep. You have a very big day tomorrow. Alison, your mother will be here early tomorrow morning as well," my dad spoke from the front seat of the Uber, turning around and looking at us through his blue sunglasses.

My dad cracked me up, he always managed to look like a movie star.

"I can't wait. This is so surreal. I can't believe we are college graduates," Alison squealed from the seat next to me.

"I never would've expected to be walking across the stage almost nine months pregnant," I laughed looking over at Nick.

"You're the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen," he kissed my cheek, making them heat up to his soft touch.

We hadn't had sex in about three months. It had kind of gotten a little too hard to manage with my belly getting bigger everyday. Most of the time I wasn't really in the mood anyway, but I did think about it often. Nick and I still kissed and stuff, but it just got a little overwhelming trying to please each other. I was sure after the baby was born we were going to be some sex fools and I was totally okay with that. I couldn't wait.

"My bitch is graduating," Zion said and reached over Alison's seat and smushed her face into his for a kiss.

"Zion, language son," my dad said in a deep tone.

I chuckled to his comment.

"Sorry," Zion quietly spoke from the backseat.

Zion knew my dad didn't like all of that 'cussing nonsense' as he called it, but Zion was the worst out of us all, so it was super easy for him to slip up sometimes.

I barely ate anything for dinner and had to lay down as soon as we finished eating due to my ankles swelling up.

"Is this normal?" I asked my dad before he left our room.

We pitched in for two rooms, one double for Nick, Alison, Zion, and I, leaving my dad the room by himself.

"Yes sweetie, it is very common to swell up a bit. Just a lovely side affect of a little thing called pregnancy," he said, winking at me before he blew me a kiss and shut the door.

"I hope my legs don't swell when I get pregnant," Alison scrunched her face from the bed beside us.

"Oh, shut up. You wish you will be as cute as me when you're pregnant," I cheesed.

"Damn, you're right," she laughed.

"Oh, come here, hurry," I waved my hand to her and continued, "He's kicking, here, feel."

I grabbed her hand and lightly touched it to a spot on my belly where baby B's feet were moving.

"Oh my god, that's my baby in there! Does it hurt?" she asked me while keeping her focus on my belly.

"Sometimes he likes to kick in my rib cage, but I don't mind, it's a small reminder that he's in there and he's healthy," I said and smiled while admiring my best friend interacting with my baby.

"My turn." Nick pushed Alison out of the way and replaced his hands where hers were.

I giggled to their small but funny altercation.

"Nick, you get to feel him every night. It's not fair." Alison pouted from the floor.

"I'm special," he perused his lips. "Also, I could never get tired of feeling my sporty guy kick. I think he'd be a great soccer player, or maybe even a placekicker," he added rubbing his hand in circles on my belly.

"He definitely gets that from you," I replied to Nick pulling my lips into a smile.

I absolutely adored watching Nick love on my baby bump. It gave me a small glimpse of what he would be like when baby B actually arrived and I couldn't be more excited.

Nick's favorite thing to do was lay his head on my belly around this time at night and feel Benjamin kick. He also liked to sing to him as well. It was so fucking adorable I thought my heart might explode sometimes. Hearing the love of your life and his beautiful voice sing to your baby, oh my God. I was so ready to have him here. Just a little less than two months and he would be.

I had planned to look around for editing jobs or start writing my own book about my pregnancy experience when we got back home after graduation, but Nick suggested that I took some time off just to relax before the baby was born and a few months after that. I agreed with him, but it would do no harm to go ahead and get something lined up.

I was just excited for my future.

Filler chapter. Yay Amelia and Alison are graduating!

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