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I envisioned something like this for Amelia's childhood home, something that would show that it wasn't that bad of a home for someone to grow up in (being in the middle class but pushing lower class) but also to show that if not taken care of, it can look like a piece of shit house. Also showing you guys what kind of person Amelia is and what kind of person her mother is.

But yeah imagine the grass overgrown and the garage full of crap :)


"I didn't expect you till later," she spat at me.

"We don't plan on spending the night," I replied.

"Good cause we don't have much room anyway," the random man stated as he walked past me and into the house like he lived there.

Wait does he live there? Who is this man?

As I stood shocked, Alison pulled me toward the door as my mother entered as well.

"How's school? I hope you're making good grades and not wasting my money," she spat again while pushing newspapers and other clutter out of her recliner and sitting down.

The house had a horrible, musty smell to it and was quite dirty, which you could guess was driving me insane. It didn't look like the same house I used to live it at all. It made me sad, but my mother's snarky comment nearly made my blood boil. Little did my mother know that I knew much more.

"What do you mean you don't have room?" Alison interjected, sounding a bit pissy.

I didn't blame her.

"And who are you exactly?" she asked again referring to the man who came back to the living room with a beer in his hand.

"I'm Sam, and my son uses the spare room when he is in town, which just so happens to be now," he smirked, showing his rotten teeth.

His skin was filthy and he smelled of sweat. His five o'clock shadow was a bit overgrown and in need of a trim. He looked like a straight-up crackhead-drunk, which I was sure was what my mother was heading toward if she continued dating his sorry ass. This didn't shock me with my mother though.

Upon hearing his low insulting voice, something in me changed, I felt very angry. Something in me seemed to snap.

"I'll have you know that I have a 4.0 gpa, not that you ever asked or cared, and you don't pay for my school; My father pays for my school. How dare you give away your own daughter's room after everything you put me through? What the actual fuck?" I let out in anger, clearly not finished but my snobby mother just had to interrupt me.

Her eyes widened to my remark before she spoke.

"Your father is dead," she said with a mocking tone.

"I know all of your lies now. You're a liar and a horrible person. There is also some things you don't know about me. A lot has happened to me in the past few months. I met someone, someone really awesome, and he loves me. His name is Nick. He has shown me more love in these past few months than you have shown me in my whole life. I'm pregnant, not that you care at all. He's a boy. Alison and I went to visit Nick in California, and that's where I met my father, Robert Parker. He is not dead and he told me the truth about you." I started to break down in tears.

I didn't think I was crying in anger though, I think I was starting to realize that it really was over between me and my mother. She had obviously moved on... if mothers could do that. She had a new family now, even though I'm sure it wouldn't last. That's not how it works for alcoholics and drug addicts, they take what they need when they can get their hands on it and nothing else matters but their high. Not even their family. That's all it will ever be for her. That's all she will ever care about. I can't say I didn't try though.

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