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"Will he like this one?" Emily asked from the rack over.

"I don't know, he wears anything," I answered.

We only had two more days with the boys and I wanted to get Nick a present. I wanted to get him a new hoodie since I ruined his favorite yellow one a few days ago.

"I just don't know which one." I covered my face with my palms.

"Stop stressing Mela, you know he'll like anything you get." Alison stepped over to me.

I knew he would, I just wanted to make sure that he would love it. I was dead set on a grey hoodie, because he used to wear a grey one all the time but it got too small for him.

"Maybe we should try a different store," I suggested.

"My God Mela, no. Just get that one," Emily huffed.

"Okay, okay," I laughed and headed to the check out line.

The sun managed to blow out while we were in the mall. We spent the day pampering ourselves while the boys planned out another music video. They had been in and out of meetings all day, but we didn't mind. We went to the nail salon and got manicures and treated ourself to lunch and ice cream. I couldn't eat the ice cream though, my stomach wasn't having it.

I've noticed that the foods that I craved were typically the foods that gave me heartburn. I had been craving Mexican food since the beginning of my pregnancy, but yet every time I ate it, I'd get horrible heartburn. Dairy products seemed to make me more nauseated as well. Why was this so difficult?

I planned on giving Nick's hoodie to him tonight, due to the fact that I was hanging out with my dad tomorrow. Sunday morning was coming up fast and the fact that the day was already over made me nervous. I wasn't ready to leave, but financially, it was time for us to go home.

The Uber dropped us off at the boys house about thirty minutes later.

"We're home!" Alison shouted as she swung the front door open.

"Were out back!" A voice much like Zion's yelled through the house.

We followed his voice to the back patio and watched as the boys finished up filming a freestyle dance video. Brandon and Nick were dancing to a Drake song.

"Hot," I whispered low enough so only I could hear.

I loved to watch Nick dance. I could sit there and watch him dance for the rest of my life.

"How was your day?" I asked Nick as he jogged over to me and pulled me in for a kiss.

There was a light smacking sound as our lips disconnected.

"Good, how about yours?" he replied.

"It was really nice. I got you something. Do you want to come upstairs?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah sure," he laughed.

Nick followed me upstairs and sat on his bed while he watched me sift through the items in my bag.

"You know you didn't have to get me anything. It was enough that you even came to see me in the first place," he said in a serious tone.

"I know, but I owe it to you," I replied while pulling the hoodie out of the bag.

"I got this for you," I handed it off to him.

His face lit up at the sight of the hoodie.

"You got me a hoodie?" he questioned.

"I can take it back if you don't like it," I trailed off.

"Amelia, I love it. You didn't have to," he smiled up at me.

"Well, I ruined your other one and-"

"Stop. This is the best present ever, thank you, babe. I love you."

Nick walked over to me and pulled me in for a long hug.

"I love you," I replied burying my face into the crease of his neck.

"You know I love hoodies," he chuckled.

"I couldn't tell by the numerous ones you had in your closet. Not even by the way you wear one everyday, even during summer," I laughed.

Nick playfully rolled his eyes at me and pulled me to him again. He backed up and sat on the edge of the bed, maneuvering me to stand in between his legs.

"Have you been eating good today?" he stared up at me.

"Better than I have been," I replied honestly.

"Good. Have you had any nausea? Did you take those pills your dad suggested?" he asked.

"Yep, we got them today and I think they're working decently," I answered.

My dad mentioned a pill that helps with nausea during dinner the other night, and with the nausea that I have had lately I was down to try anything. I was always hungry as it was, but now that I had a baby growing inside me I was always twice as hungry, but it sucked when you can't satisfy your hunger due to nausea.

It warmed my heart that Nick cared so much. Every night before we went to sleep he always asked the same questions. 'Have you been eating good?' and 'How are you feeling?' He was the best boyfriend/ baby daddy out there.

As we walked downstairs to catch up with the rest of the crew, I turned around to Nick in his hoodie.

"You put it on?" I laughed.

"Of course," he chuckled while kissing my cheek.

Nick was adorable. I was so relieved that he liked the hoodie.


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