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"No, no!" I yelled across the room to Nick as he rummaged through his closet for something white.

"Wear this," I offered pulling out a white collar shirt.

"Ew, no," Nick replied with a scrunched face.

"Nick it's literally in your closet and you're telling me ew?" I laughed while throwing the shirt at him.

He barley caught the shirt with the hanger as he stepped back and stumbled over a shoe in his floor.

"Oh shit!" he yelled a little too loud while catching himself on the closet door.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing to his clumsiness.

"Alright, alright, that's what I get." He rolled his eyes while gathering up the shirt with his other articles of clothing for the music video.

"Guys let's go!" Zion yelled as he ran down the hall passing by everyone's rooms.

I swear that boy had so much energy, all the time.

"We're coming!" I replied, pulling Nick out of the room and down the stairs.

I was really excited to be able to watch the boys produce their own music video. I hadn't had the chance to go behind the scenes to a music video either.

Once we finally arrived at the abandoned building, we trudged up the endless flights of stairs and finally made it to the top. I was only carrying Nick's extra clothes, while everyone else was carrying filming equipment and other clothes for the video. We had the whole gang plus Brandon's close friends Jeff, Ian, and Noah who came with us to shoot.

The boys decided on black and white outfits for the video which was cool in my opinion. They all had a unique fashion style, so when they each picked out their outfits and stood side by side, they looked so different. They each represented something different, but standing together they looked like a bad ass squad. That's the best way I could describe their group.

A bad ass squad.

"Wow, you look too cool for school." I stated sarcastically while standing next to Zion.

Zion was wearing a black jacket over a white shirt with yellow shades and a black beanie.

"Something like that," he chuckled.

Zion presented himself as the 'cool' member of the band, but what everyone else didn't know about him, was that he was a nutcase. The fans called him 'crackhead Zion' and to be honest, I agreed with them. Zion was a mess, but he was a good person, just loud most of the time.

While everyone was setting up cameras and what not, Edwin was singing in the background cracking Alison and I up.

"Look at Eddie with his shirt all open," Brandon laughed while jumping on Edwins back.

He looked like a supermodel. He opened his black button up shirt at the top and threw on some pretty dope shades that made him look stylish.

As the boys began to film the first part of the video, all they were able to do was crack up. Noah had to keep redoing the shots because they were goofing off. The boys were individually funny, but when they were together and all in a good mood, they had the power to have your stomach turn inside out from laughing so hard.

After a few minutes, the sun began to set, the boys turned serious and actually got through a bunch of the scenes.

"Let's climb this latter and see where it goes, we can shoot some from there too!" Edwin yelled from across the building.

"Please be careful!" Emily yelled after him.

We were a long way from the ground and it wouldn't be that easy to get an ambulance up here for the boys. So, they needed to be extra careful.

"She's right, we don't need any injuries," I laughed.

As the boys continued filming, I remembered the original version for this song. The way the piano tune carried through my phone speakers when I first heard it. If I was being honest, I've listened to that song over one hundred times since then. It still hits me the same way it did the first time I heard it. The fact that Nick was able to pour his heart out into a song just for me, about his feelings toward me, was heart warming. He was so special to me. Although I love the beat that the boys made to go with the pop version of this song, the piano version will always be my favorite.

After awhile, a beautiful purple color took over the sky just as the sun disappeared behind the taller buildings and the boys ended off their video.

"Is this your choreography?" I asked the tall boy standing to my right.

"Yep," he replied. "My name is Ian. I haven't gotten to formally meet you yet," Ian added.

"It's very nice to meet you. And I love it, you're very talented." I smiled and shook his hand.

"We're going to shoot some shadow shots downstairs in one of the rooms, so change into your white outfits," Jeff informed the boys.

We helped gather the cameras and lighting equipment and headed down the stairs. Noah brought up this cool lighting fixture that was kind of like a strobe light but instead of giving someone a headache by flashing lights, it let out a cool dimly lit design on the wall.

When the boys stood in front of it, they looked so cool. They had all the tricks and they knew what they were doing. From the beginning of the shoot, Brandon was joking about always wanting to say 'it's a wrap' at the end of a shoot. So when the time came, Ansley had to beat him to it.

"Hey Brandon, it's a wrap!" Ansley yelled from the chairs we were seated in.

"It's a wrap, no chicken!" Brandon jolted up from his chair with a lit up face.

Once we were finished and came out of the building, it was pretty dark outside. We all headed home and ordered some pizza.

"So we might be awhile in our studio editing the video, but y'all are welcome to rent some movies off of the T.V. and watch them if you don't want to hang with us," Austin offered while kissing Ansley on the cheek.

"Movies sound nice," I said and smiled in Nick's direction while pulling him in for a side hug.

Today had been a long day, and as much as I loved hanging out with the boys, I was pretty exhausted from all the walking today. I mean, when am I not exhausted anymore?

When the pizza arrived, the boys took a few boxes back to their studio while they worked their magic. Us girls on the other hand placed the boxes on the table in the living room and rented the "If I Stay."

I cuddled close to Alison on the couch and tossed a blanket over us. I watched the beginning of the movie and was getting pretty into it until my eyes became heavy.

I figured I could post again. :)

Might be some drama in the next chapters, so stay tuned!!

Who do you ship?

Vote and comment! I love them.


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