Chapter 2

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Sierra was with Ben in his office going over some thinks for when the new V.K.'s arrive. Sierra looked out the window and as Mal looking through binoculars over the ocean.

"Ben, she's out there again." Sierra told the King. Ben got up from his chair and looked out the window to see Mal out there once again. "Ok, I'll let you take care of this, while I make sure everything is set up and ready for your announcement at the school." Sierra told Ben as she walked across the room to get her things.

"Thanks Sierra, for everything you do." Ben said. Sierra just gave him a look.

"Ben, It's my job to make you look good." Sierra said with a smirk. "I'll see you at the school." Sierra told the king walking out the door. "AND DON'T BE LATE!!!!" Sierra yelled down the hall. Ben just chuckled and looked back out the window before walking down to Mal.

Mal was looking through binoculars over the ocean, not paying attention to Ben sneaking up on her. He hugged her from behind and they both started to laugh.

"Not a single tentacle in sight." Mal said looking at the ocean.

"I think if Uma was up to something, it'd be done by now." Ben said trying to reassure Mal.

"No Ben, I know how villains think, and I don't trust Uma as far as I can throw her. She's going to wait until our defenses are done, and that's when she's going to strike. I really wish I had time to do a dragon flyover because I can go so much higher." Mal said as she brought the binoculars to her eyes again.

"Well can't be everywhere at once." Ben said bringing the binoculars down. "Besides I got your back." Ben said pointing to the guards with telescopes. "Come on, everyone is waiting for us, and if we're late I will not hear the end of it from Sierra." Ben said pulling Mal along. But Mal broke his grip.

"Wait you're getting more guards." Mal told to Ben.

"I'm getting more guards, now breathe." Ben said, as Mal inhales and exhales relaxing a little. "Come on let's go." Ben told his girlfriend. And they both walked to the car to get to the school.


Everyone was gathered outside the school with welcome signs and chatting away exited for the new arrivals. Sierra had a clipboard in her hands going over her list and talking to the set team on an earpiece she had in her ear, while she was looking around worried trying to make sure everything was perfect. Carlos placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Sierra relax everything looks fine." Carlos said trying to calm the girl down.

"I don't have time to relax." Sierra looking down at her clipboard while talking to him. "I have to make sure the confetti canons are placed correctly and if Ben and Mal aren't here in three minutes we'll end up behind schedule." Sierra told Carlos walking around. "AND WHERES FAIRY GODMOTHER!!!!" Sierra yelled feeling stressed making Carlos flinch a little, since she hardly ever yells for anything. Jay ran over to Sierra and spoke calmly to her.

"Ok you know what, I'm just going to take these for you." Jay said carefuly removing Sierra's earpiece and clipboard from her hands.

"Jay you don't even know what to do, or say." Sierra said.

"I know, But you need a break." Jay said worried for his girlfriend. Sierra was about to say something but the crowd began to clap and cheer as Mal and Ben came to the stage. Sierra pointed to Doug so he and the marking band can start playing. Mal was about to walk off but Sierra stopped her.

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