2 : Monster

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"Oh! I can't wait to give this flowers to Gami~!"Ayano squealed as she looked down at the bouquet of roses she brought from a nearby flower shop. She was actually supposed to buy a flower for her garden but ended up buying a bouquet instead.

She can smell the sweet scent of the fresh roses that she had picked, herself.

She arrived in school to do her normal routine of pursuing megami's Love. She would never stop until the taller girl would say yes, even if megami herself would throw her off, even if the whole world disagree, even if it cause her own death. She would never stop. She just love her so much.

Ayano didn't know when and how did she love her, but all she knew is that She love Megami because out of all the people she knew, Megami was the only one who could seem to understand her.

You see, Ayano's life isn't 'normal' . she was never been normal. She was actually born as a human, she have both eyes clear, she have hands that can touch, she have feet that can walk and a mouth that can speak. Yet, she wasn't normal. She lacks something that everyone has. Emotions.

Ayano was born as a emotionless child, no fear,no rage, no happiness or any other emotion that a mere child could feel. Her Father did everything he could to make her happy, to give her emotions, to turn her into his normal child. But nothing works, even the doctors didn't know what's wrong with her.

Her mother on the other hand, was the happiest woman on earth she ever seen. Her mother didn't worry about her, in fact, her mother was so happy for her. She told her daughter that everything will be alright someday, someday the emptiness will go away, someday she will be happy, someday someone will taught her how to.

Ayano believed in her, she believed she would be able to smile, not because it will make her father happy, but because she's happy.

Because of her state, she endured a child life that a normal person would think is terrible. Kids would always bully her  calling her a "A Monster!" and throw rocks at her, their parents would always look at her in disgust, as if they are looking to a horrible looking monster. Even if her mouth bleed, her body shook in pain, ayano would only stare at them as if she didn't care to what might happen to her next.

Ayano looked at a visible scar that would be plastered forever on her waist. She straightened back her uniform and put gifts inside megami's locker with a large smile on her face.

"Look at her, she's still pursuing even if she's not being liked" she heard a familiar voice, she slightly looked around and saw a tan skinned girl with blonde bleached hair. Musume.

"How pitiful,isn't she?" Musume looked at ayano and gave her a large grin.

"Totally, if your not being loved then you should give up! Your just going to be a bother to the person you love anyway" kashiko answered,making sure ayano could hear her.

Ayano looked back at the locker and closed it before going through the fountain, face blank.

"What a monster"

Ayano stopped walking.

"Yeah, did you heard the rumors about her? They said she's always been like this as a child, emotionless freak! Hahaha!"

Ayano dropped her bag along with the bouquet of roses she was holding. Suddenly the sky darkened and thunder storms can be heard from afar.

"Eh? Is it going to rain?" Musume looked up at the dark sky.

"Think so.."

Ayano turned to them, musume and kashiko looked back at her, only to regret it. Ayano's hands balled into a fist as she gritted her teeth in anger. A dark shadow casted on the upper part of her face. Musume and kashiko's smile faded at the sight.

Yandere Simulator: Ayano X Megami : Dangerous LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin