3 : The goddess Of Vengeance

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Ayano walked around the school, Megami had kicked her out of the student council room again and she got nothing else to do. She felt her phone buzzed and pulled out her phone and saw a message from a certain 'Friend'.

'Come at the info-club, i have something to do for you'

Ayano sighed before walking back inside the school and headed straight to the info-club, she looked around to make sure that no one's around before knocking.

"Come in,it's not locked"

Ayano opened the door and walked in, seeing her red headed friend in front of the monitors as usual, doing they're 'business'.

"Close the door and lock it" The red haired ordered, Ayano did as she was told before walking up behind her.

"What do you want now? Info-chan" Ayano asked in her usual monotone voice.

"Simple as usual" Her red friend crossed her fingers before turning to her, large grin on her face, her red eyes hiding behind her glasses.

"You have a new mission to do,the client payed a large amount of money so i can't just ignore it"

Ayano stayed quiet, her deadpan expression never changed. Info-chan gave her a folder, she took it and opened the folder.

"Your Target is Ryusei Koki, the blue haired guy in the rainbow six boys, our client were so specific that you have to do steps in order to complete the mission" Info adjusted her glasses, her grin isn't fading. She locked eyes with the Assassin in front of her.

"Kill only the target, use a scissor as a weapon, in your swimsuit and there must be no blood, no evidence, good thing the client didn't say anything about talking to someone, But you only have 10 minutes to do your job so i don't think you can waste your time" she tilted her head in a playful manner, examining the black haired girl's face. Ayano gave her back the folder.

"Are we clear now? Aishi?"


"Good,your free to go" info turned back to her monitors.

"Lock the door once you get out" ayano nodded and opened the door.

"And Ayano?"

Ayano looked at her. Info-chan gave her a smile.



Ayano walked inside the arts club, there are probably scissors in there even if they love painting. She found the scissor on top of some of the boxes and Ayano looked around to make sure that no one's looking before snatching the scissor and hiding it under her sleeve. She was not a magician but she tried to learn some things about hiding some stuff since its probably a great advantage.

Ayano walked out of the room before the art club members arrive. She headed next to the girls locker room, passing some of the student council members and some other students.

Ayano quickly took her clothes off as soon she got inside the girls locker room. She quickly changed and looked at her phone.

Ayano rolled her eyes as she only have 8 minutes left to kill her target. She already wasted her two minutes by talking to some students

Info-chan would always tell her that having friends and outside relationship that doesn't include they're business is a waste of time. Ayano doesn't really care about info-chans opinions tho.

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