7: Drama Queen

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A/N: Just to let you know, i haven't wrote anything for so long. So pardon my grammar and some other stuff.

Ayano leaned quietly against the wall in front of the cooking club,her hand rest on her bright red cheek that has a visible red mark on it as she looked at her senpai. Megami looked through her phone and sighed a bit.

"Okay Ayano" Ayano jumped a bit, smiling as usual. "I wouldn't have to send you alone for this one,we need someone who could keep the same and relevant topic on going not someone who could easily be distracted with a muffin!" She scolded.

Ayano laughed a bit." But you liked it tho. Except when you slapped me because i--"

"Shut up! There's no place of things like that in this school as long as I'm around!"

"Well actually th--"

"I said SHUT UP!!!" Megami shouted, ayano covers her mouth. Swore to herself not to say a word.

Megami rolled her eyes and walked away,ayano followed.
They stopped in front of the Drama club.

Megami growled, she doesn't really like going in here, or even coming across the club leader in general. Being a well mannered person she is,she knocked three times.

"Come in" says a annoyed person behind the door, not welcoming at all.

Megami sighed and looked behind her and saw Ayano waiting patiently for her to go in.

"Just to let you know,the person behind this door is very unpleasant. Don't try to choke her,that's my job" Megami warned.

Ayano smiled brightly and nodded.

She opened the door and walked inside.

There are a few people there, a girl is on the stage holding her own script and reading it as a boy beside her listens.

A girl with a purple twin drills glaring at them and tapping her foot.

"Could this be taking any longer? I want to play my role."

"Sorry Kizana,i was really sleepy last night i didn't able to read the script"

"You should be sorry, your wasting my time"

The girl,Kizana, looked at her irritatedly and rolled her eyes before continuing the script. The other girl scoffed and turn around to see Megami and Ayano on the door way.

"And who the heck let you two imbeciles to move in?!" She demanded.

"I knocked, you answered, not my fault if you don't like me as a visitor" Megami answered,glaring.

The girl looked at Ayano,fully ignoring Megami's words and pointed her.

"And you? Who are you and why are you here? I only let important people around here!"

Ayano looked at megami— who nodded— and turn back to Kizana.

"Hi, I'm Ayano Aishi,nice to meet you." Ayano greeted politely. Smiling slightly."We're here for some minor problems about the drama club"

"And you are?" Ayano asked.

The girl smiled at the question,as if ready to start a monologue.


"She's Kizana Sunobu, Same age as me, Drama club leader and a very stupid person"

"That's not what I'm supposed to say!!"

Yandere Simulator: Ayano X Megami : Dangerous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now