Chapter 1

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My name was Daniel Black, well I guess it still is. Although now no one recognizes me as myself, even my own family.


It all started a while ago, my world when black. A lot of people just disappeared. Power was gone, food production stopped, cars, trains everything.

Then the darkness came. It was like evil had been released or something. I'd stayed at my own house, hiding out.

It didn't stop me from seeing or hearing things though. Nights were the worse.

A creaking disturbed my thoughts, something or someone was in my yard.

Carefully, I looked out the gap in the side of the curtain, a bright light blinded me. Blinking quickly, I close my eyes. What was that?

Opening my eyes I peered out again. It looked as if a doorway was opening in the air. A small circle with lit edges hung a few inches above the ground.

Dark shapes were pouring through it. Some looked human-like but a lot of them seemed like creatures from movies.

Low murmurs in voices I didn't understand began. I listened but did not make anything out. The creatures began to leave the yard. I prayed they did not come into the house. I was in an attic that had a drop down stairs, so I should be safe.

I continue to watch. One last large creature was still there. It seemed to be speaking again. Another large one came through the doorway, caring a bright white dressed figure. They set it down on the lawn, and reentered the circle, it's nothing closed. The white figure was still there.

Should I go down? I had armed myself with knives from our kitchen but other than some karate as a kid I didn't know any self defense.

I watch for a while, the sky was actually lightning to a soft pink when I decided to risk it.

I slowly lowered the stairs, listening. The house was silent. I crept down and open the back door. All was silent and still. Dawn had risen and my yard was flooded with light. This reassured me. Whenever the shadow creatures were they seem to prefer the dark.

Quickly, yet silently I crossed the lawn.

The sunrise made the white of the dress turn pinkish. The girl about my age lay on the lawn! I could see no cuts are injuries. I picked her up as gently as I could. A fireman's carry was not the nicest way to carry a girl, but I wanted to keep at least one hand free.

Surveying my yard I carefully entered my house. I re-locking doors and took her to the attic with me, pulling the stairs up after laying her on my bed.

Again I checked inside. Luck was still with me, nothing.

A soft sigh brought my attention back to my guest. Slowly I took her in. She had brown slightly curly hair that was long and fell loosely about her face. It looked about to her waist. Her skin was a light golden color and she seemed healthy. She was dressed in a white gown with a white band on her forehead.

I carefully checked and felt for cuts or anything broken. Thankfully, I had taken CPR and first aid. However other than being unconscious she seemed fine.

I sat back against the wall staring at her. My eyes growing heavier as time passed. Slowly they slid close.

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now