Chapter 6

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The doors to main part of the castle area opened.The huge rock building rose over us as we rounded our way though the smaller houses that filled the outer edges of the castle keep.I knew we'd pass quickly through this area and into the market before being shown into the halls themselves.

"Daniel...Daniel!" I whispered.

"What?" he kept his voice low as he replied.

"I'm not sure what will happen once we go in there.I think they will probably want to talk to me by myself.I grew up here and I think it's best if I do talk to them alone.So, just listen to what they ask and go along with it.Ok?"

"No, problem.Dont worry Naztazia", Daniel smiled.

I smiled back at him, and hoped this went ok.

As I figured they asked me to follow them into the front rooms, Daniel looked at me with worry in his eyes.I had asked where he was being taken and received the reply he'd get some food before being showed to a room.

I sat on one of the many couches in the room.Nervously waiting for someone to come speak with me.My nerves were stretched to the breaking point when I finally heard voices.The door opened and a small servant dressed in light colored robes,"The Lord and Lady will see you", he motioned for me to follow him.

I rose quickly, finally! The servant lead me to the personal office to the Lord.I gulped, this wasn't a good sign.Only formal meetings were held here.The servant knocked and announced me, before stepping back and motioning me forward.

I took a deep breath and entered the room.Lord Ashlin was seated behind his desk, Lady Marigold standing beside him.

"Come in Naztazia", Lord Ashlin waved his hand towards the chairs in front of his desk.

I perched on the edge of the chair, waiting, butterflies filling my stomach as time passed.I glanced up o find Lady Marigold staring at me.I knew she could sense emotions and feelings in others but the frown on her face wasn't good.Could she see how nervous I was?

"Ok, Naztazia, care to explain how you ran off for so long, only to return with a human and reeking of metals?"His voice seem to hold disdain.He always been so nice to me, almost like an uncle.

"Um, I can explain my Lord." His brow rose at my formal reply.

I began my story, starting with who Daniel was and how he had found me, what he had seen and how we had survived since that day.I watched their faces as I spoke.They seemed surprised and shocked.When I finally stopped speaking they were silent for some time.

"Naztazia, what about how the guards found you? What was that?"

I blushed, "Daniel was showing me how humans show affection and how they show their feelings".

Laughter filled the room, "Not that, why did you bring him to us.You know humans aren't allowed here in faerie."

I explained about Daniel's fading, and about how we had hoped to find an explanation with the council.

I'd barely finished speaking when the door burst open and Dryden burst into the room trailed by several servants and guardsmen.

"Dryden!" Lord Ashlin exclaimed.

Dryden ignored his father and grabbed my hands pulling me to my feet and staring into my eyes.I could feel his powers reach towards me as he tried to establish our bond.Dryden and I had been very close before my kidnapping, and we were happy to accept the elders decision for us to wed.Now though, my feelings had changed and I could tell by his look of discouragement that he couldn't connect as we use to.

"Your ok, Naztazia?" he asked

"Yes, Dryden, I am .Thanks to Daniel.He saved me, and care for me."

"Sit, Dryden" his father directed.

"Naztazia, maybe a shortened version for Dryden?", Lord Ashlin suggested, "I'd like to speak to this Daniel and My Lady for a bit, then I'll return to you both."

I nodded as the two swept out of the room.

"Naztazia?" Dryden was looking at me, his eyes sad and he seemed confused.

"I'm sorry, Dryden, I'll explain everything, but I can't pair with you anymore."

"Tell me why, then I need to speak with you as well, Naztazia ", Dryden replied as he leaned back, his eyes watching me again.

Once again I launched into the tale again.

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora