Chapter 12

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We had been very shocked by the way the Wise woman had greeted all of us at the gate.She had said nothing more, simply bade us to follow her.She led us past the rock walls of the castle which sprang into flowers the moment Naztazia and I passed under it.

Joy lit the Wise woman's face at this and she waved us onwards.Wherever, Naztazia or I stepped, the condition of the buildings and animals even plants changed and became better, more lucious, and filled to health.

Stunned I halted to watch a straggly dog type animal that was skin and bones.It whimpered as it crawled towards us on its belly.

The Wise woman's face was sad as she watched it."There's little we have not done for that poor creature, but it still fades away"

I leaned down with my free and stroked it's back, it's ribs pronounced.As I removed my hand, the hound seem to groan and literally gained weight, filling out round and plump.

It's eyes found mine as it nudged my hand.I petted it looking at the Wise woman.Her smile was huge.

"Ah, Great Lord, how the Fae has blessed us with you", she bowed to me.

"Come my children, let us dine before the ceremonies".

She walked away again, and as I rose to follow, the hound fell in behind me.

"Um, Wise woman?", I stuttered unsure of what was happening and how to address her.

The Wise woman stopped and turned to me, "Yes, Great Lord?"

" May the hound come with us?"

" Of course, Great Lord, He is yours now".She smiled and continued.

Naztazia's hand tightened in mine and I smiled at her as we followed along.Things were sounding a lot better then when I first came here.

Soon we were in a small dining hall.The tables were covered in food, but the Wise woman led us to chairs near the fire.

"First we must speak, then you may all dine on the Great Lord and Lady's offerings", the Wise woman spoke.

"First, Naztazia, I believe you and Dryden were to be paired?I wish for each of you to tell your tale of how we came to this moment."

Dryden and Naztazia began to speak, each filling in the story as it happened.I added to it when it reached my part, as well as Kamella being brought into it by Dryden.Soon we came to the gate.Each of us stopped speaking and glanced at the Wise woman.

"So, My Great Lord Daniel, you first saw the gate despite your human beginnings?"

I nodded.

"Well, we are blessed indeed.Fae has claimed you as it's own Daniel.It has been a very long time since such love has entranced Fae.When I was a young girl, the gate stood to pick pairings that were true and strong.Over the years, fae people have stopped believing and coming to have the pairings blessed.The gate disappeared and near your father's time Dryden the line even began to fade.While I am unsure of what is happening in your human world Daniel,I believe that you will be happy here in Faeire with your lady Naztazia.Some how you are descendent from us and have been returned to your rightful place." she smiled at us.

"King Dryden, Lady Kamella.The gate and Faeire has chosen you as it's next leaders.You will all be our guides.Love does not recognize the barriers we try to place on it.Although others may see Daniel and Kamella as less then yourself and Naztazia, they will be strong as Fae stands behind these unions."

"Eat, and be well my Lords and Ladies.I will prepare the bonding ceremonies.Rejoice!"

The Wise woman smiled a huge grin and rose, leaving us.

"Bonding ceremonies?" I asked.

Kamella launched herself at Dryden, kissing him as I had kissed Naztazia.

"Kamella! " he laughed, gently gathering her to him.

Naztazia and I smiled at each other, moving to the food tables to leave the two alone.

"Yes, My Lord," she winked, " A bonding ceremony is like a human marriage, although her in faerie we live along time and are together until we go into the fade."

"So, you will be my wife?", I asked, grinning.

"Yes,", she smiled back.

"We will be together forever now"

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now