Chapter 8

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Ch 8


Dryden seemed to hang on every part of my story, making me go over and over the part where Daniel found me.

"You're sure you don't remember anything from before you woke up in the human world?"he asked for a third time.

" I've told you Dryden, I remember going to bed that night at the high council building and then nothing until I heard Daniel's voice.I have no idea how I was taken or by whom".

Dryden relaxed more and more with each reassurance.

"Well, alright, I don't know how we will ever figure it out, but I'm glad your back". He smiled.

"Yes, I'm sorry Dryden, I wish I could help you."

"No, it's ok, we will find who it was eventually."He smiled leaning back.

I looked at him, he didn't look worried.Gently I reached my power towards him to see what I could feel.At one time we had no secrets and shared everything, now as I felt carefully I could sense nothing beyond his feelings of happiness and relief.

I smiled back, " I should go find your parents".

"No need", Lord Ashlin answered as he entered the door.

"I've spoken to your Daniel", I blushed at this. "He has told us what he knows and seems like a nice young man." He smiled.

I glanced towards the floor.

"Come on everyone, let's retire for the evening and tomorrow we will discuss everything then."Lord Ashlin and Lady Marigold bid as good night as we all rose.Dryden smiled.

"Your old room has been waiting for you Naztazia, sleep well."He left the room ahead of me.

Suddenly I remembered Daniel.I rushed out, "Lord Ashlin!" I called.

"Where's Daniel?"

"He has been fed human food and shown to a room as well, Naztazia.Calm yourself, he is well."

"I'd like to see him before I retire, Lord Ashlin."

"Felasin has report that he was asleep the moment he lay down.You will see him in the morning Naztazia.Go to bed".The command rang with power.I could feel his power pushing me to accept.

"As you wish, Lord Ashlin".I bowed my head.

"Naztazia, we only want what is best for you."Lady Marigold's voice flowed over me, calming me, as they left.

The feeling followed me into my room.A high bed covered in soft blankets took up the majority of the room, a small couch and sitting area was to the left with a walk in closet and a bath room behind closed doors.Quickly washing I felt relieved to finally change into clean clothes of my own.Soft cloth covered me.A pale purple night dress with a gathered high waist was quickly thrown on.My bed was warm and welcoming as I sank into it.Sighing, I relaxed and allowed the comfort to draw me towards a peaceful sleep.Memories of Daniel's voice reading to me lulled me even futher under and I sank into complete oblivion.

Morning came, my eyes blinked open.For several moments it was almost as if time had never passed.Automatically I reached through my link towards Dryden. Nothingness filled the link.Startled I awoke more, and remembered what had taken place.Daniel! I worried about him.

Closing my eyes I focused my power to searching for him in the castle.I began with the rooms near my own.After spending so much time with him, I figured we'd connect easily.Lower and lower though the castle I let my power roam.Atlast I felt him in the lower levels where the servants stayed.My eyes shot open.They'd put him in with the servants? He should be in the guest quarters! Anger rose.Breathing deeply I tried to focus again.

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now