Chapter 4

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Time was passing.  About a week had gone by since we last tried to get through the portal.

It did seem as though Naztazia still had her powers, although she did understand why.  She told me that her powers should have drained away being in this moral world.  Yet they remained.

At the moment Naztazia was sitting in the corner surrounded by an odd shaped mark on the floor.  She told me she was trying to find another portal.  Her eyes were closed and I could hear her softly chanting.

Her voice was so soft and soothing that I'd feel myself drifting off.


My voice is repetitive as I softly continue to say the I had learned so long ago.  In faerie it was simple to find a portal, the power and flow from them almost like a spotlight.  Here in this human world it was harder.  The feel of technology buzzed along my nerves, interrupting the touch I used to find a portal.  However, faintly I could feel something nearby, I hadn't felt this a few days ago but it was good enough we have to try it.

I opened my eyes, Daniel was asleep across the room.  I stared at him wondering what this boy was meant to be, why my path had led me here.  As I watched it seemed as though he shimmered, the chair he was sitting on becoming visible for a moment.

The startled gasp flew from my mouth as I watched, awakening him.

" Naztazia?" He blanked sleepily and looked for me.

I stared, no longer could see the chair, he was a solid form again.

" I must be working too hard, for a moment I thought...  I thought I could see through you."

Daniel stared at me his eyes widening.  " What?  Why?  Is there something wrong?"

"Umm, Daniel?  How long has it been since you became aware?  Since you woke up in the darkness was here?"

" I think...  It's been three months...  Maybe a little more? Why?"

My brain raced is it the pieces together.  Pieces that shouldn't fit.  This wasn't something that should be happening in the human world, the metal, the technology, they shouldn't allow this to happen to someone who'd lived here so long.

"Daniel, I don't really understand.  However I can tell you in my world, when someone becomes transparent the ready to go into the fade."

"Fade?  What is that?"

"The fade is where our loved ones go when they pass on."

"Pass on?  You mean die!?"

"Daniel, calm down.  It was only for a moment, we need to get to faerie and see my council.  Surely they will know what to do.  I felt a portal nearby we can go to it tonight."

Daniel was still staring at me, he had not lost the look of shock on his face.  I rose and went over to him, dropping down beside him and the chair and hugging him.

" I will do everything I can, I told you we'd be together didn't I?"

I felt his arms come around me as he hugged me back.  " I'm scared, what if I disappear?"

"I won't let that happen."

The rest of the afternoon passed slowly, we readied our things to leave for the evening.  Straightening up the fort we had been using as a home.  We had a bite to eat and Daniel read to me some more.  Slowly the room became darker.

Looking at each other, we both grabbed our bags and turned to the door.  Daniel reached back and grabbed my hand pulling me up behind before shutting the door.

" I will lead the way Daniel.  I connected with the portal this afternoon, so I will use my magic to find a way." I told him softly switching places so though I was in the front.

He nodded and gestured forward.  I could tell my discovery that afternoon was still weighing on him.

Closing my eyes I chanted softly for a moment, the pull was through the forest to our right.  As we walk through the woods I concentrated on that feeling.  Here amidst the trees my power was stronger and with my hand held so tightly by Daniel a portal shown to me clearly.  Very quickly we came to it.

" Oh my god!  Naztazia I can see it."

"Yes, Daniel, it is open, although you should not be able to just see it." I stared at him something was different.  He was shimmering again, the trees behind them clearly visible.  His hand in mine seemed gossamer, losing weight and substance.

" DANIEL! DANIEL!" I grabbed both of his hands and forced his attention to me.  The shimmering faded.

" Naztazia?  You ok?".  As usual Daniel was more worried about me.

" It was happening again Daniel.  I couldn't even feel your hand." His mouth dropped open as he stared at me.

"No..." He whispered his hand tightening on mine.

" Let's hurry and go into the portal Daniel.  We need to get to my home and find out what is going on."

Holding his hand very tightly, we both started forward, I chanted the words that would allow as entry into the portal.  Just before stepping through I turned to Daniel, my eyes finding his as I step backwards.  They air around me warmed and glistened, as the two of us stepped through it.  A sigh of relief leaving my mouth as we took several more steps, the portal relinquishing its hold.

I smile at him before turning and looking around.  Here was my home, power flowed and bounced around me, almost greeting me.  It's sweet smells and beauty are reassuring sight.  I turned back to Daniel, his eyes were wide as he took in, he smiled seeming happy.  I grinned back.

"Welcome to Faerie Daniel."

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now