Chapter 7

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I watched as Naztazia was led away from me.I didn't like that she was leaving me with all these strange people but I figured since it was a new place I'd better go with how they did things.

The guard nodded and motioned me to follow them.

" Um, where are we going?" I asked, carefully, I didn't want to offend them.

"The kitchens first and then we've been told to take you to a room."

"Ok, thank you"

The guard halted immediately.

"I know your human so I'll be nice.Dont thank anyone here.Its can be seen as an insult."he nodded briskly and turned from me.

"I didn't know."

" Humans wouldn't."

He continued down the halls, the rest of the guard following silently.Soon we entered a huge kitchen.A strange looking small creature was stirring something on a table.

"Watina?" , the guard spoke.

The creature turned, I could see now that it had several female features, a smiling mouth and bright eyes.

" Gorman! You devil! ", she smiled and clapped her hands."What can I get you?"

Gorman, the guard smiled back at her, "Watina, Naztazia has returned! She brought this human with her and Lord Ashlin wishes him cared for and fed."

Watina looked me over, "We have some human food in storage, will that suit?"

Gorman nodded, "Only that and some water, Watina.Nothing more until Lord Ashlin decides otherwise".

Watina nodded, her smile dimming some.

Gorman inclined his hard at me and gestured to a chair, "Sit and eat.I will return shortly and take you to your room."

I nodded, Gorman left taking all but 1 guard with him.I watched Watina move around the room, she quickly prepared a sandwich and set it down in front of me.

"It looks great", I struggled not to thank her, but my words made her beam.A glass of water was set next to it.

"Eat, Eat, I can make you another if you want."

"Yes, I'd love more.Its been awhile since I had anything this good", I spoke with my mouth full.

She laughed and quickly made another, before returning to the bowl she had been stirring.I smiled and ate slowly, it really was good and it was nice to have someone care for me.I'd missed this since my mom and family had forgotten me.

Watina turned towards me and gasped.

"What?" I leapt from my seat spinning to see what had startled her.

"How did you do that?" she gasped.

"What?I was just sitting."

"You shimmered and I could see through you!" she glared at me now."Gorman said you were human, is this human trickery?"

I stumbled back to my seat.

"Can you see me now?"

"Yes, you are as you were when you came in." She replied staying back.

Tears welled and spilled over as I stumbled over explaining what Naztazia and I knew about what was going on with me.By the time I had finished Watina was sitting next to me, her hand stroking my back.

"That's not possible." a male voice announced behind us.

I turned and saw a tall man.He reminded me of the elves I'd seen in movies.he seemed thin yet strong, his hair falling to past his shoulders, a circlet of gold on his head, his clothes beautiful colors, with a light grey robe over his shoulders.My eyes widened as a beautiful woman entered behind him.She too wore the same set if clothes, yet her robe was pale pink and the circlet of gold in her hair was entwined with flowers.Their pale blue eyes were traveling over me, shock clear in their expressions.

"Um, I promise I spoke the truth.I do not lie." My head rose on the end of that statement.

"It's not that we believe you lie, we faerie could sense that in a moment.You are human, humans do not go into the fade.You haven't been like us in millenniums."

"All I can tell you is what has happened.I don't understand it at all.Is there anyway to stop it?"

The man shook his head."We must speak to the High council."

"Naztazia said that. Where is she?"

"She is fine, I am Lord Ashlin and this is my Lady Marigold.You are in my home.Eat and then Felasin here will take you to a room to rest for the night."He nodded at the guard.

"Alright", I nodded."May I go now?Its been a long day".

"Yes, Felasin, take him to his room". Lord Ashlin commanded.

I smiled and rose to follow Felasin.My eyes were becoming heavy and my steps were slow as we continued down and down into the castle.Felasin stopped by a small door, he pulled it open and I entered slowly.A small bed with a table and a wash basin were all I saw as I layed on the bed.Sleep claimed me just as I wondered if I had been drugged.

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now