Chapter 9

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I studied Naztazia as I ate.It was a plain breakfast of meat and toasted bread with water but I wasn't going to complain.

Naztazia explained how she had told them all of what had happens.They had believe her kidnapped but also had no idea who had done it.She spoke of how they all were.I could tell they were like family to her.The name Dryden came up a lot and I could feel myself being to dislike his name.

"Daniel there's my High Council not far from here.We will go see the High Woman.Hopefully she can stop or reverse what is happening to you."

I nodded."Are just you and I going?"I kinda hoped she said yes.

She smiled uneasily, "No, Dryden and several guards will take us.They are not allowed within the Council walls, and we have only a week to see what can be done."

"A week?Then what?"

She looked away.

"Naztazia?What happens then?" my heart speed up.

"Lord Ashlin has ordered you to be returned to the human world, whether the Council can fix you or not".Tears shown in her eyes.

My heart stopped.I was to be "returned"?I'd be alone again."No...", I whispered.

"Don't worry Daniel, I'm not leaving you.If you go back, so will I."Naztazia promised.

Shocked I gasped"You can't stay in the human world, Naztazia.It will drain your magic.You'll become mortal."

"Hush, now.We will worry about that when the time comes.Let's get ready to go."

She tried to rise but I reached out and gripped her hands.I looked at her face, my eyes tracing each curve.I reached up with my fingers and followed each line my eyes had drawn.My fingers lingering on her chin, my eyes focused on her lips.We had kissed once and something within me urged me to do it again.As I fought not to, her tongue peeked out to trace her lips.Groaning softly I leaned down and pressed my lips gently to hers.Her sigh and acceptance goaded me to press our lips together again and again.

My breath was coming faster now as I leaned back, she smiled a beautiful smile at me, her cheeks pink and her eyes shining.I dipped my head back down to kiss her again.My lips gliding along her soft ones.She made a small sound, as I traced her lip with my tongue gently, before kissing her again.

A loud knocking had us jumping apart.

Her eyes rose to mine, we smiled at each.I crossed to the door.Felasin was there.

"We are ready to go."He informed me.I could feel my blush as he took in Naztazia's flushed face and reddened lips.

"Lord Ashlin has informed us to not leave you and the Mistress alone.So, I need you both to accompany me now."He sternly glanced back at the guard Naztazia had came with.

I motioned for Naztazia to leave my room first.Beaming she exited and started down the hall.I followed quickly, happy to be with her again.

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now