Chapter 2

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When I awoke dusk was beginning to settle, I'd lost the whole day!  Usually I forged for food during the daylight hours and slept the night away.  Yet lately I was slowly switching to being awake later and later.  The blackness was worse at night, if something didn't change soon I would go crazy.

I glanced at the girl.  She slept on.  I quickly used the small wash room I'd setup and began to rifle through cans looking for something eat.  After sleeping most of the day I was hungry.

Some cold soup and a can of peaches were my supper.  I never eat anything warm anymore.  Luckily we had dug well so I had water.  I stared at the girl.  She was breathing slowly and steadily.  I guessed she must be in a coma, or something since she had not yet awakened.

Growing bored of staring, I cleaned up after myself, carefully bagging the cans to throw out later.

I checked outside once more.  I had put up black garbage bags to keep light from showing from the one window.  Nothing moved and no light shone.  A pale almost full Moon was enough to show my yard and the garden next door.

I sighed, but was good, safe but boring.  A month or so had gone on like this for me with nights where I couldn't sleep being the worse.

I grabbed the book and settled in a big old chair.  Time and chapters flew by as I lost myself in the story.  Soon though my eyes grew heavy and I dropped the book.  Sleep claiming me.

Yawning as I woke,I began stretching.  The girl still had not moved.  I listened carefully.  I could hear noise.  Quietly I tiptoed to my curtain looked out.  Well my view faced the backyard I could just barely see one side street.

PEOPLE!  There were people picking up trees and power crew working on the lines.

I stood in shock.  What had happened?  Where they come from?

I open the window and crept out onto the porch.  Looking around by saw more people doing everyday things, walking dogs, barbecuing, weeding.  It was like the darkness had never happened.

I crept back to the attic.  The girl was still there.  This was not a dream.

Suddenly thought struck me.  My family!  I open the attic door and listened.  I could hear low murmurs.  I lay there watching and waiting.  Not sure why.

My mom came up the main stairs and tapped on my little brother's door.

"Max!  It's time to get up!" She called.  I heard him moan.

"Now, or no breakfast." She smiled and continue to my room.

" Daniel!  Up honey!  Breakfast!" My door swung open.  There stood someone who could have been my twin!  My height, my eye color, hair even clothes!

"There you are Daniel.  That was quick." Mum smiled at this other Daniel.

The Forgotten ~ Book 3 in The Fae SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now