Chapter 1

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Katie's POV

I was calling Enzo. He needs to get here has quickly has possible. I am dying here. Not literally, but you know what I mean. I need my best friend with me. I wait a few minutes and he finally picks up. "It's Enzo here. What do you want my dear best friend besides Damon." He says. Sometimes I wonder if he can ever get over what Damon did to him. "Hey Enzo. I was calling wondering if you can come over for a few days." I said. "Sure. Is Damon gonna be there?" He asks me. Of course he will. "Yes, do you want to let him know that you are alive and well?" I ask him. "Well, I prefer not, I want him to be surprised and I want to surprise attack him. You know?" He says. He can be immature at times. "Fine, what do you want me to tell them, about who you are?" I ask him. "Well you can just say I'm an old friend of yours and that I'm a reliable source to you." He says. "But how can you help? You need to be wearing a mask but I know you don't like them so I think just wearing a hoodie is fine. Besides its winter. Christmas is coming in a few weeks." I say. "Sounds good to me. I just need to compel the Dr. here to let me go." He says. I smile. "Right. I forgot. He still thinks that he has vervain in his system?" I ask him. "Yeah. Well I got to go his back." He says. "Ok bye." I say. He hangs up. I put my phone down in my night stand. I change into my pjs and head to bed.

I wake up to my alarm blasting Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer. I get up and get in the shower still listen to the song. I get out and put on my clothes. I stop the song just has it finished saying, "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I went downstairs and there was a knock at the door right when I was about to drink from my blood bag. I put it down and went to open the door. Once I opened it I saw Enzo there smiling at me. I smile back. "Enzo! Come in." I said. He came in and sat down. "Sure. Make yourself at home even if it isn't but ok." I said. He smirked my way. "What a nice house you have here. Now how did you get it?" He asked me. I was about to answer him when Klaus answered him instead. "It's actually mine. Now tell me who you are?" He asked him. Oh no. "Well my name is Enzo. Pleasure to meet you Klaus, the original hybrid." Enzo said. Wow. I didn't know that Enzo knew who Klaus is. "Yes that's me. Now, Enzo what are you doing here?" He asked him. Enzo looked at him, then me. "I'm here because Katie said that she needed help." He said. Klaus looked at me with a confused and worried look. "Sorry?" I said.

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