Chapter 6

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I was sitting down in Damon's car while drinking a blood bag. He also was drinking one. We came to a halt in Mystic Falls only decent restaurant has Damon puts it. I'm twenty one now so that means I can get alcohol. Yessss. I always wanted alcohol. But what Damon told me was that I got alcohol anyways. We both went up to the bar and sat in stools. We both ordered bourbon. I was about take a swig when someone else takes my drink and they take a gulp down my drink. I turn around to see a familiar girl with brown, curly hair. She has a heartbeat. She takes a look at me and smirks. "Well if it isn't Katie Mikaelson." She says. I look at her confused. Her eyes go wide. "Sorry, it's just that I'm drunk and I didn't know you lost your memories." She says and extended her hand for me to shake. "I'm Katherine Pierce or also known has Katerina Petrova." She says. I shake her hand and it sends some sort of memory of only her.

I got out of the memory and smiled at Katherine, I remember her, she's my best friend. I hug her and she seemed shocked but she hugged back. "I remember you." I say while pulling back. Her smile got bigger. We hugged again. Damon put a hand on my shoulder and turned me around. When I turned towards him he grabbed my wrists and then another memory came back. I smiled at Damon and hugged him, he hugged back. "I remember both of you." I said while smiling. I got up and sped towards the Boarding house and saw Stefan there. I hugged him and he touched my neck. Another flash of memories came back I smiled and hugged him tighter. I let go only for him to kiss me. I was shocked and kissed him back. Then another memory came back. I didn't like this one and I wish I didn't see it and I remembered why I was mad at him. I pull back. "What is it?" He asks me. "I remember everything." I say. He looks at me confused but then he looks down and I know he realized why I pulled away. He looks up at me upset and sad. I could see in his eyes that he regretted doing it. I kiss him again. I pull away. "I forgive you." I say while smiling. We kiss again, but I just can't feel the sparks between us anymore. Now I know that I don't love him anymore. But we continue kissing and it becomes heated.

I wake up in the morning to a hard but comfy pillow. I open my eyes and look that I was laying in Stefans chest. I smiled at the memory from last night. It was great but the sparks aren't there anymore. I quietly get up and start dressing. Once I'm done I start to head out of the room only to bump into Katherine but she had her hair straight. I was confused because Katherine usually has hers curled. "Hey Katherine. Not really liking the hair though." I say to her. She looked up at me confused. "I'm Elena not Katherine, remember Katie?" She asks me. "Yeah I don't have any memories so I don't remember you very well. All I know is that your Elena and Katherine's bitchy doppelgänger." I say to her. She looks at me shocked. "Don't believe anything Katherine says to you. Don't you remember that she has lied to you? Then again you don't remember anything about your past." She says. "Oh, I figured out a way to get my memories back and remember Katherine clearly, so don't you dare threaten me or my friends. Got it?" I threaten her. She nods frighten and grabs my arm pulling my arm behind my back and pushes me to the wall. I growl at her. "What do you think your doing? You know I can kill you with the speed of a vampire and the power of my magic right?" I say to her. "I don't believe you. You can't hurt me because Stefan and Damon will hate you forever if you kill me." She say. "I'm stronger, Katie. You weren't even born when I was turned into a vampire which makes me stronger." She says. "One thing wrong there. My parents are different kind of vampires so I have part of there vampirism in my blood and that makes me double the strong of even the oldest vampires alive." I say and I switch our position so she is against the wall. I break her hand and she screams in pain. I let her go. "Now stay out of my way before I use dark magic on you." I say while my eyes turn black. She runs off. During my time with the Torreto's I learned that when my eyes turn black it means that I'm preparing myself to use my dark magic. But I never actually use it or else my eyes turn black and the veins in my body start to pop out just like when I feed and my eyes turn red and the veins underneath my eyes start to show.
A/N: Thanks for reading, sorry for the bad ending in this chapter but I promise that I will try to create better endings to my chapters.


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