Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Jessica

A/N: If you haven't seen The Flash, then I warn you that there will be spoilers ahead.

It's been a couple of months now, meaning it's the beginning of April, and my friends and family all have been getting along with each other. I'm in Central city for a few weeks because I have taken up a job has an IT but I have to travel to different place.

Central city is a nice place, supposedly there's a 'hero' in Central city that can run at lightning speed or maybe faster. But I'm not here for that, I'm here because they need a person in the Star labs and in the Police station there. First I arrive at the Police station and just has I'm about to open the door someone else beats me to it and they accidentally hit my face but since I'm part vampire it dosen't hurt has much. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Is your face okay? I mean are you alright?" He asks me. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." I say back. I finally look up and see a guy that may be around his 20's and has a nice hair cut and he seems really cute. He puts out his hand for me to shake. I shake his hand and while doing that I see lightning and him running at lightning speed. "I'm Barry. What's your name?" He ask me just has I get out that trance. "I'm Katie. Nice meeting you Barry but I have to go now." I say while smiling back. He smiles and leaves. I just stare at his back while he walks away and I realize that he is this so called 'hero'. This is not good.

I walk out of the police station and start heading towards an alley and start using my vampire speed to Star labs but just has I'm about to start there's a flash of lighting and I look behind me to see Barry. "What do you want?" I ask him bored. "You're new in town and your acting all suspicious like being behind an alley." He answers me in a deeper voice. I roll my eyes. "I was back here because I wanted to smoke. Is that a bad thing to do to prevent from anybody else to smell the cigarette?" I say while pulling out one box of cigarette. He just nods and starts running away and at the same time I start running too, to Star labs.

Once I get there I enter carefully and see a guy and girl waiting patiently, I over hear the guy saying something. "What if she is really an alien? Maybe that's why she dosen't want anyone to see her face." He says. I roll my eyes and respond to him before the other girl can. "Or maybe it's because she dosen't want anybody to criticize her by her looks." I say startling them. They both turn towards me and stare at each other again in an awkward manner. They just smile at me and start leading me to a room with computers and many other lab things. I see a guy in a wheelchair and he is looking at me like he dosen't trust me. I mean if I just showed up out of the blew with saying that I would like to be an IT in a lab that hasn't opened in months then I would be suspicious too.

We shake hands and I see the same thing I did with Barry but it was yellow then red. Which confused me but I didn't say anything. We all started doing our job and just has I'm about to finish something on the computer I hear a sound from afar and I realize that it's Barry still in his costume. He comes in fast but I pretend I didn't hear or see anything. He looks at me for a minute and quickly takes off his costume and comes near me. "Hey, Katie. I didn't knew you were going to be here." I turn around and give him a smile. "Oh hey Barry. Yeah well I am. Also I didn't knew you were that lightning streak going around the city, protecting people." I say while drinking some 'coffee', you know what it really is. His eyes grew big and the rest of the three people here looked up at me when I said this. I stood up. "Don't look at me like that. You guys would have eventually slip up and I would know besides I have a secret of my own." I say. Just has I'm about to grab my 'coffee' Barry comes at me and it causes me to drop my 'coffee' and the blood spills and everyone can see that it was actually blood not coffee.

After everything was cleaned up we all sat down we decided to talk. "How did you know Barry was The Flash? And what's up with the blood in your coffee?" One of the guys here asked me. "I knew because I can see who Barry is and I can see that Barrys face and The Flashs face are the same." I say. "But that dosen't explain the blood." The guy in the wheelchair said. I turned to them all. "Well are you sure you want to know why? It may not be best secret and it may scare you." I say. "It couldnt be worse than seeing a dead body." Barry says. "I'm a vampire." I say. They all look at me shocked, scared, and confused. "hahahahaha---wait youre not joking?" One of them says. "Vampires are real. I could have already killed you for spilling my blood but I won't because you guys seem to be trustworthy." I say. But in reality is that the wheelchair guy is suspicious to me. I just need him to trust me. I know he is hiding something.

Once everyone leaves and its just the wheelchair guy and me, I go up to him and tap his shoulder. They still don't know that I can compell people. He turns around. He looks up at me and I try compelling him by just looking at him and both of our eyes dilate and I can't sence any vervain in him or near us. "You will tell me what you are hiding from everyone." I say in a demanding voice and he does. I learned that he was the one that killed Barrys mother with help from another one of him that is now inside of Barry. He also can actually walk and he has other secrets that I will not mention. So I compel him to forget what happened.

Just has I'm about to go out the door he walks up to me, still in a trance. "There coming back to get you. Two covens are coming back to get you. One for power and the other for vengence against your family. The time has come for the prophecy to be fulfilled. You must choose one or the other. For if you choose one or the other you will die. Die and you will forever be in hell." He says which causes me to freak out. But who are this covens? I leave and start heading towards Starling city to visit a certain ex soldier for help.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for reading and waiting patiently for the next chapter. I've gotten about 117k on my last book, The Forgotten Cullen.


--Jen :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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