Chapter 3

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We arrived in New York and the first thing we did was go to clubs and have some fun. We eventually had to find an apartment or hotel. We did, we had to compell them to get us a room for free since I didn't feel like paying for anything. Even if Stefan cheated on me, I still feel the need to forgive him. But to Klaus and Bekah? I don't think so. I mean come on, they practically said that I wasn't strong enough to handle the pregnancy of a wolf that was just a one night stand. I can handle having another sibling that was younger than me.

You're all probably wondering how I came to meet Enzo, well that's easy. I lived with the Mikaelson for almost half a year. During those few months I got a little mad and went outside of Mystic Falls and went into Whitmore college. I found this guy named Aaron and we became friends, he invited me inside the building and that's when I saw Enzo caged up. I helped him but he wanted to still be there so I compelled the doctor, thinking he had vervain and that he couldn't get compelled by anyone but me and Enzo. So yeah, that's how we met.

Enzo interrupted my thoughts by telling me that he was going out and have a drink. I nodded and sat in my bed. I opened up youtube and I scroll through the comments of my past two videos. Many were nice, but there was still a few that were mean. I didn't really care, I just ignore them, they don't affect how I feel, I mean I'm a vampire I think I have suffered through more meaner like a few days ago. I took a shower and got dressed, I know Enzo wasn't just for a drink so I packed up and headed out the door. I got into my car and started the ignition. Before I started to drive I got a call from Enzo. I decided to pick up.

"Hello?" I asked like I didn't knew what he was calling me for.

"Hey. I wanted to know if you were still there, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it? Is it my father? Or Stefan?"

There was a pause.

"How did you find out?"

"Oh it was easy I knew you weren't going to go for a drink but going to call Klaus or Stefan. You know you dropped a pice of paper. Right?" I asked him. He hung up. Wow, rude. I saw two blurs going inside the hotel. Great, there here. I moved the car a little further from the hotel so I can see who Enzo called. They eventually came out and I saw Klaus. Great, note the sarcasm. They saw the car was gone and knew that I had left but I didn't. They both went away towards the direction of Mystic Falls. Good. I drove away and into another hotel. I got my things out when I compelled myself a room. I put all my things away.

I was about to head out of my room when I heard two very familiar voices coming towards my room. I check through the peep hole and see that Klaus and Enzo where both there. I looked away and started to think away to get out of here. I grab all my clothes and start packing them. I was half way stuffing my second bag when I hear a knock. "Katie!! We know your in here. I need to explain something to you." I didn't answer Klaus' plea so I kept packing. I get call from Klaus. I don't answer. I hear the voicemail. "Katie, please answer the door. I need to explain something to you. Please come out." He had said. I stop listening and look at my phone that had way to many voice mails. I checked my messages and there also way too many there. Don't get me started on the missed phone calls. I got tired of people calling me that I pressed my thumb on the screen of my phone and it broke. I let it go in my bed. I quickly unlocked the door while jumping out the window without my clothes and phone. I knew Klaus would smell my scent and try to see where I was. I knew that so I left everything there. I arrived at some shop with many goth clothes, I smiled. Perfect. I walk in looking at everything that I see that is goth. I walk out the store with many things that are black and I no longer smell like the old me. But to make my appearance believable I had to change my hair and I had to change the color of my eyes and the color of my nails.

I return to the hotel room with my hair having highlights that are the color pink, shorter of course. My nails are the color black. I'm wearing black skinny jeans with a black top. I have a lip, ear, nose and belly piercing. I look around my room to see that my clothes are no longer here and my phone is missing. Lucky for me I had gotten a new phone. I got tired and decided to go to sleep. I mean it was a horrible day, maybe because it was hard to turn my humanity off. I went to sleep and that's when I was being picked up but I didn't really care because I was really tired.

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