Chapter 3 - The Med-Jacks

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I constantly thought about Newt had said to me four nights ago while I was in the slammer.

"Not from the others." He had said "But from yourself."

Was he right? Ever since he's got here I've wrecked things for myself. I cut my arm, purposely told James and Ben to get me in trouble, broke my thumb. I wasn't specifically trying to hurt myself, that's just how things worked out. I shook my head from those thoughts and made my way to the cooks. I had worked with them two days ago and so far it's my most promising job. Frypan really liked me and I guess I was pretty good at it. I don't know, it just seemed like it would get boring really quick. I was working with the med-jacks today, then the slicers tomorrow and ending with the runners the next day. I was most excited to try out for the runners, but mostly because I'd be spending the whole day with Newt. I thought about him as I finished my breakfast and walked to the medical building. We talked during dinner and after, I didn't see him as often as I would like to since he's in the maze all day. But despite the little time we've spent together I still felt something when I was with him. Kinda like how I felt when I do something against the rules. It started in the pit of my stomach, a warm fuzzy feeling. It was just small for now but I can feel it growing more and more everytime I talk to him.

"Hi Greenie." Clint grinned at me. I hadn't even realised that I had made my way up here. I smiled in greeting.

"These are the other Med-Jacks, Harry and Charlie." He motioned to the two boys standing on either side of him. They were both younger than most of the other boys, only fourteen or fifteen.

"There's only three of you?" I asked. Harry and Charlie nodded their heads.

"Most of the gladers don't have the patience or concentration to be a good med-jack." Clint explained.

"Right now we don't have any patients since nobody is sick enough to be kept over night and it's only morning giving the glader's little chance to hurt themselves." Charlie said nervously, looking up at me.

"So what do you do while you have no patients?" I asked.

"We do inventory sometimes, we clean up around here, we sit around and wait." Clint said. "Usually we get patients though" All of the Med-jacks had a sort of calm air around them. It was like if this building was on fire they would casually walk out of here. I didn't think I was like them, but I think I really like helping people. 

"What are in these glass cases?" I asked as Harry and I did inventory.

"Oh thats grief serum. We give it to gladers who get stung by Grievers." 

"Do-do you just like, jam it in them?" I asked

"Well the vitims are already in so much pain, It doesn't really make a difference." He shrugged.

"How many of you have been stung?" I shook my head "I mean us." Harry smiled quickly before frowning

"Ummm a couple, more guys at the beginning when they didn't know much about the glade. We only recently found out about the serum and have managed to save Fredrick and Victor." I nodded my head, I didn't really have anything to say because I really didn't know those guys. After lunch, sometime in the afternoon an injured glader came in. Harry told me that he was a Slicer that had accidentally cut himself instead of the pig. 

"Harry! Greenie!" Clint called "Come!" Clint and Charlie already had him lying on one of the white-sheeted beds. His whole left hand was covered in blood. He had a deep slash running from his wrist and down to the tip of his ring finger. Instinct kicked in and without being told I grabbed a towel from the side table. I pressed the green rag to the cut and applied pressure. The others were rushing around the room doing things.

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