Chapter 12 - Oh

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"I wish I could take you on dates." Newt sighed. He was lying on the grass with his hands clasped together underneath his head. I was modelling his position a little to the right of him. We were in the field so we couldn't be obvious about us. Our fingertips were just barely brushing against each other from time to time, but even that was enough to send tingles throughout my entire body.

"We go to our spot in the deadheads sometimes." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but I mean real dates. I wanna take you to the bloody movies or to do something stupid like bowling." It was funny how worked up he was over this. 

"Why would you want to take me somewhere you think is stupid?" I laughed.

"Cause at least I would be with you." 

"So then why is taking me on dates so important? Cause you're with me now, it's the same as bowling."

"Why do you have to be so bloody smart? Why can't I be upset about something?" He was grinning, I could tell. I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at his face. His hair was messily scattered about the grass and his forehead, his eyes were shut peacefully and just as I suspected a small grin took up the bottom of his face. Sensing my presence he opened his eyes and his smile grew.

"Whatcha doing Princess?" He smirked.

"I like looking at you." I shrugged. "Especially like this."

"And what's like this?"

"Like relaxed and happy. It makes me relaxed and happy."

"Yeah well unfortunately you only get this Newt once a month." He was referring to the day he tested out the new greenie as a runner, which was today.

"Yeah, it sucks. I don't even like the regular Newt." I stuck my tongue out at him while I stood up quickly to prevent him from catching me. His arms were losely wrapped around my legs, a grip that i easily stepped out of. I skipped away and soon heard his footsteps running after me. I looked behind me to see him catching up quickly. 

"Gonna have to run faster to catch me." I yelled behind me before quickening my pace. I had only ran a couple more seconds before I ran into something. At first I had thought I ran into one of the cows but then I realized whatever it was was too tall. I opened my eyes and found myself pressed up against Alby. I immediately stumbled backwards.

"I"m so sorry!" I blurted out. Newt reached us, slightly out of breath. 

"Clarissa, how's Sig? You know if something happens to him it's on you. You begged me for this job in the first place, and now you're abusing the fact that we're friends." I guess Alby was fed up with me not following the rules.

"Right. Sorry. I'll go to him now." I nodded and walked away.

"Newt wait, I wanna talk to you." I heard Alby say from where I was. I didn't look back, I just kept on walking.

When I walked into Sig's room he was awake, staring at one of the blank walls. He didn't even notice me come in.

"Hey." I smile, announcing my presence. 

"Oh hi, that was a pretty long bathroom break." He tore his eyes away from the wall and blinked a couple times.

"Yeah, sorry I got caught up with something." I scratched the back of my head.

"It's fine." He smiled "I'm just happy you're back."

"Aww Siggy." I blushed and skipped towards him "Such a cutie." I reached down and ruffled his hair. He brought his hand up to his head and grabbed mine. He brought my hand in front of his face and started playing my my fingers. He traced my hand with his finger and looked at it with adoration His other hand slid up my arm and rested on my shoulder. His touches were light, barely there but still prominent enough to make me shiver. His eyes flicked away from my hand up to my face. He was looking everywhere. My eyes, my nose, my chin, his gaze rested on my lips for a second longer before flicking back to my eyes. 

"You're so beautiful." His voice was barely a whisper. My gaze flickered down to our entwined hands, he was massaging my palm  with his thumb. I bit my lip and looked back up at him. His hair was messy where I had ruffled it and his eyes were big, and brown. His eyes looked so youthful and happy, despite his state. They were trying to tell me something. He removed his hand from my shoulder and placed it on my head, smoothing down my hair and resting on my neck.

"W-what are you doing?" I breathed.

I love you Clarissa, I'm in love with you." He told me what his eyes were trying to say. 


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