Chapter 10 - Why aren't you working?

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"Where did you and Newt go after talking to the Greenie?" Ben asked me as we ate breakfast. Usually it was just Ben and I in the mornings because Newt and Minho were already in the maze and Clint liked to serve Sig special breakfast, some days Alby joined us, and today was one of those days.

"Yeah, we were looking everywhere for you two shanks." Alby said after taking a mouthful of scrambled eggs.

"Oh we just went on a walk." I lied easily.

"Well isn't that cute." Ben smirked at Alby.

"Come on you guys." I rolled my eyes "It's not like that."

"Sure it's not." Ben was still smirking.

"Ugh you're unbelievable!" I huffed.

"Relax Clarissa." Alby rolled his eyes "Newt would tell us if there was anything going on between you guys."

"I can see his stupid smirk now." Ben fake shuttered. 

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically as I got up and grabbed my tray. "Duty calls." I nodded my head to them i goodbye before walking to the Med-jacks. Clint, Harry and Charlie were always there really early so as usual I was the last one there. Also as usual there was no Glader to look after. By lunch time I couldn't take the silence any longer, I was going crazy. Either we needed a new Glader that actually talked or I needed to talk to Alby about switching jobs. I walked towards our lunch table seeing that Ben was already sitting there with another Glader I recognized as a builder. I didn't feel like being attacked with Ben's joke so I looked around for someone to sit with.


As I walked past my usual table and toward's the Greenie I past Gally yelling at some pour kid. Without stopping I hooked my arm around his and led him towards the boy. I plopped down in front of him and waited for Gally to do the same.

"Hey" I smiled, I completely forgot this kid's name. "I'm Clarissa, this is Gally." Gally didn't say anything, just glared at me and the kid.

"Don't worry about him." I tilted my head to gesture at Gally "He's fine."

The kid shook his head quickly "I'm Adam." He said "But you'll probably just call me Greenie."

"I won't" I promised "I was just the Greenie, i remember how much it sucks." The three of us talked up until the very last minute of lunch. 

"I'm going to go now." Gally stood up "I don't really know what you're doing Clarissa but try not to get you or the greenie in trouble."

"Me?" I grinned up at him "Trouble? Never." 

"Rightttt" Gally stretched out the word as he rolled his eyes before walking away.

"What did he mean by get us in trouble?" Adam asked when Gally was out of sight.

"Ummmm" I thought of what I was going to say "I may have broken some rules, like just a couple times." Adam's eyes widened "Don't worry though! Alby loves me."

"Alby has emotions?" The boys eyes were almost popping out of his head.

"Okay so maybe he doesn't love me." I laughed "He just tolerates me more than he does other people."

Adam just nodded his head, leaving our table in silence.

"So um don't you have work?" He asked eventually.

"I can't go back there." Luckily he just nodded his head again and didn't ask why because I wasn't going to tell him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alby walking towards the lunch tables.

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