Chapter 8 - Care To Make A Wager?

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"Excited Greenie?" Alby grinned over to me. 

"Sure." I shrugged. The guys have been overly calling me Greenie today because in a couple minutes I won't be the new glader anymore. Yes, I've been here for a full month now.

"What if it's another girl?' Ben wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we need one for the rest of us, Not just Newt." Minho smirked causing Newt and I to both roll our eyes.

"I'm just as much yours as I am Newt's." Ever since the episode in the pit Newt and I have become closer, If that was even possible. The teasing before was midly annoying and unconsistant but now I can't go anywhere without overhearing a dirty joke about Newt and I. I wish the rumors they were spreading were true, that's why it bothers me so much. But unfortunately Newt and I have only been hanging out as friends, usually with Sig there aswell. Sig and I have become better friends too. He helped me get over the whole banishing thing, he actually is a really good therapist. I think that's what he would do if he wasn't stuck in the glade. 

"It'll be here any minute." A boy said giddily. The gladers were hoping another girl was coming, It's all they've been talking about for the past week. I didn't really know if I wanted another girl, I don't know if we would get along. From what i've learned about myself this past month I don't think I'd be the type of girl to have alot of girl friends. My thoughts were inturuppted when the box had arrived to the surface. I took a deep breath, as did many of the other gladers. This was it. Newt and Alby reached down to the doors and swung them open. Alby had jumped down then climbed back up with another boy with ginger hair and green eyes. At the sight of him I let out my breath and many of the other gladers left dissapointed. I smiled slightly, aware that I was being selfish. Alby started interrogating the boy like he had with me. The new greenie seems a bit more timid than I was when I first got here and ofcourse he didn't injure himself in the box so he didn't feint. I feel a wave of embarassment wash over me, they probably thought I was so weak when I first got here. I shrugged the thoughts away and listened to the boy talk.

"My name is Adam." He revealed "That's all I can remember." He talked so quietly, I could barely hear him. 

"Cook." Newt said next to me. I hadn't even realised he was there.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I predict that he will be a cook." Ohhh I get it.

"Well you're wrong." I smirked "He's gonna be a Track-Hoe."

"Care to make a wager?" He smirked back. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay loser is the winner's slave for a week." He said smugly.

"Ooh I like this. You should know that I like my coffee black, no milk and sugar."

"Actually. You should know that I like my showers really hot because there is no way that greenie is going to be a track-hoe. He's so pale he'll burn up in a minute." and with that he walked away, leaving me thinking about how wrong I was. No, Newt was wrong. I wouldn't believe it.

"Gally!" I called. He spun around to face me.

"Yeah Gre- er Clarissa?" I could get used to this.

"If you had to guess right now what job do you think the greenie's gonna get?"

"Why the shuck do I care? He's just a stupid greenie." He rolled his eyes as my question.

"Okay but he seems like he would be a track-hoe right? Like if you had to guess."

"When we became friends I didn't think you'd be this annoying." 

"Just answer the question." My anger was growing, soon I would be yelling at him.

"Not a track-hoe." He sighed "I dunno probably a slopper, doesn't look too useful." Wait what If Newt and I were both wrong? Then nothing?

"Okay thanks." I nodded, not looking at him. I went to find Sig, he would know. I found him lying in one of the hammocks, just laying there, probably thinking. He does that alot.

"Hey Sig." I always approached him with a smile on my face, as if he was a little kid. I thought of him as my little brother even though he was so much taller and probably older than me. I felt like i needed to protect him because I knew that he couldn't or wouldn't protect himself.

"Hey." He smiled brightly back at me.

"Did you see the new Greenie?" I asked. He nodded his head, Sig didn't ask very many questions.

"What job do you think he'll get? Like based on what you've observed?" He thought for a minute.

"Probably not Runner, Bricknick, Builder, Slicer or Track-hoe." He decided "He doesn't look athletic enough for those jobs. He was pretty quiet and most of the Med-jacks are quiet." His blue eyes glittered with laughter at me "But I don't really know, I only really saw him for a minute."

"So he would be a cook over track-hoe?" I asked.

"Probably." He shrugged "He was pretty thin and really pale, he would probably burn if he was in the sun all day." I nodded my head, looking at the ground. Hopefully he'll be a bagger or something, that way neither of us win. The bell rang, signaling dinner, Sig got out of the hammock and we walked to the tables together. As usual we sat with, Newt, Minho, Ben and Alby.

"Since it looks like you're going to be the only girl, you're going to have to choose a guy to repopulate the glade with." Minho decided. "May I suggest me? My dic-"

"Clarissa! maybe you can have daughters for the rest of us!" Ben announced giddily, inturupting Minho. Newt and Alby shot them dirty looks.

"You do realise you'll be like eighteen years older than the kid? And you'd have to wait along time until they're -um- ready." Alby said.

"Besides I don't want to have kids with any of you guys anyways, and hopefully I'm not stuck here with you long enough that I'll have to repopulate." I stuck my tongue out at the guys.

"Okay but in all seriousnesss" Minho said it so I knew it wouldn't be serious "If you had to shuck one guy in the glade who would it be?" He ended with a wink. 

"Newt." Once again I spoke without thinking. I covered my mouth with my hands and my eyes widened. Please, please, tell me I didn't say that out loud. But by Newt's blushing cheeks and the other boys smirks I knew I had.

"Interesting." Minho smiled like he had a secret "How very interesting."

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