8 ♡ The truth

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"B-boyfriend? Are you kidding me? No way in hell would Junghye date when she's still in high school like this," Yugyeom scoffed in disbelief.

"It's up to you to believe me or not," Jungkook smirked.

He put his right arm over Junghye and dragged her with him, "Let's go, Junghye."

"Wait-- what--" before Junghye could utter anything else, Jungkook and her were already out of Yugyeom's sight.

Junghye wasn't really planning to sit with Jungkook but he just kind of just forced her to. 

"What were you thinking? Now all your fangirls are gonna chase after me, goddamn," Junghye rolled her eyes, annoyed, "Please clarify that I am not your girlfriend in any way, shape, or form. Thanks." 

Jungkook shook his head as he fed himself a piece of his salad. No way he was going to turn back. He liked the fact that people think that they're a couple and he wasn't planning on clarifying anything. 

"No way, it's better this way. That problematic guy won't bother you if he knows you're dating me, okay?" He smugly said with a grin, looking at Junghye with his big puppy eyes. 

"Okay, no. It's highkey a problem between me and him. Why are you involving yourself in my business?" She sighed, she couldn't believe how annoying Jungkook was being. 

"Do you want to know why?" His facial expression turned into a serious one and that instantly made Junghye nervous, "Do you really want to know?" 

Junghye wasn't exactly sure of what she should say and so she just nodded her head slowly out of human nature. 

"I like you." 

Junghye widen her eyes, shock. She was utterly speechless. What was she supposed to say? How was she supposed to react? 

"Jungkook... I--"

"No, I get it. You don't like me. You see me as an enemy and the most I can be to you is a friend. You don't have to tell me anything. Just pretend as if this never happened, okay? I want to continue to be your friend," he said all in one go without giving her a glance. She didn't even have the chance to say anything. 

As Junghye was still in her mind, Jungkook walked off, thinking hat Junghye probably needs some space. But she didn't, really.

She spaced out, dumbfounnded. How can he just leave like that after the whole mind blowing confession like that? Quite unbelievable.

After school, Junghye was standing in front of the school gate, patiently waiting for Jungkook. It was quite odd that she decided to wait for Jungkook for the first time. Even Junghye herself didn't expected to be doing such unusual thing.

She waited, and waited.

Long before she knew it, thirty minutes had already passed and yet Jungkook still haven't appeared.

She looked at her cell phone, she was filled with temptation to give Jungkook a call, but what was she supposed to say if he pick up?

Staring at her phone long and hard, she clicked the green button without opening her eyes.

Each ring gave her more and more anxiety.

She wanted to see him, hear him, but at the same time, she was afraid of the outcome.

She hadn't trusted anyone in a long amount of time and it was a risk idf she were to just... let Jungkook in her life.

At this point, her feelings for him was undeniably obvious yet she was still in denial.

The ringing went on, it lasted six times before a voice was heard.

Junghye flinched, "Hello?"

"Hello. Jeon Jungkook got into a car accident and I need you to come to the hospital right now," an unfamiliar voice said.

Junghye's heart sank. She quickly called for an uber and head to the hospital.

Once she arrived, she ran to the front desk and asked for a person named, "Jungkook."

Before the receptionist could search the name up, Junghye's name was called and she looked over to the direction that her name came from.

"Junghye? What are you doing here?" Junghye looked at Jungkook, safe and sound.

"Jungkook...? Are you okay? I heard... you were involved in a car accident," she looked at him with her worried eyes. She couldn't express how much she was concerned about him.

"No- well, yes. But I'm not severely injured, just a few scratches here and there," the way he looked at her, she could feel that he was either sad or hurt... or perhaps both.

"Oh... well... I uh, gotta go now," she awkwardly stated.

"Wait! Were you, perhaps, worried about me?"

Junghye turned and looked at Jungkook. Quickly she realized that if she stayed there any longer, she might spill all her emotions out. So, she was decisive that she wouldn't say anything but just leave.

And she was gone from Jungkook's sight.

"What... does tha supposed to mean?" He tilted his head.

+hi guys :D first time updating in forever!¡ wooo. I apologize for not updating, hs is hard and im tired and busy w hw the majority of time soo yes, it will probably take me a few years to finish my stories lmao.

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