11 ♡ Rumours

375 17 14

"So I'll be pairing you guys up because we'll be doing the research project... Soo Min and Hye In, Jung Woo with Kang Soo..."

Jungkook completely ignored what the teacher says as he continued to bug Junghye. Jungkook always changed his spot by making others move and so now he officially sat behind Junghye. Thanks to that, now other students won't have to deal with Jungkook constantly kicking them out of their seats. Well, not that they know because no one knows Junghye and Jungkook were dating. 

"Hey, are you free today? We should do some bondings, hehe," Jungkook had his arms straight on the table as he lied on it. 

Junghye tackled the idea of being focused on what the teacher was saying and who she was pairing Junghye with but Jungkook was being a little crackhead. 

"Can you just shut up? I'm trying to listen to what she's saying yet you're being so annoying for no reason," she sighed in a frustrated tone. 

"...Jungkook and Yura, Woobin and Junghye. That's it. On your way out remember to grab this sheet right here. All the instructions will be on it and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to come and ask me. Class dismissed." 

"W-Wait, hold up teach, I want to partner up with Junghye," Jungkook stood up, protesting against his teacher, "I will work better along with Junghye."

"Is that so? But since that is the case, you can't. You need to improve your team working skills so, you get what you get," Ms. Shin smiled before taking her documents with her out the classroom. 


"Just shut up, Jungkook. It's just a research project," Junghye turned back and looked at him, heaving out a sigh of annoyance. 

"Oh, come on. Can't you show some concern? You're being heartless," Jungkook frowned, dissatisfied that Junghye was being so cold and cruel towards him. 

"I'm not heartless. You don't need to be so clingy and dramatic about such a small matter. This project will probably take us a maximum of about three days," she reasoned with him. 

"Well to you it's not being cold. That's how you've always been. Whatever--"

"Jungkook! Let's start the assignment after school, okay? We can go to a cafe or a library! Like a little date, what do you think?" Yura came up to Jungkook, being all enthusiastic about being paired up with Jungkook. After all, Jungkook was popular amongst the girls (and guys) in school. 

"Tsk. Let's go, Yura," Jungkook grabbed his school bag and left without saying anything to Junghye. All she could do was sigh. He was being immature and unreasonable to her and she saw absolutely no problem with the situation. 

"That guy is... quite something," Junghye sat on her chair sluggishly, sighing once again. 


"Guys, oh my god. Did you saw Jungkook and Yura yesterday?"

"Yeah, I did. I was so shocked to see Jungkook actually going out with a girl."

"Guys, I think they're dating!"

"No doubt! He's never been out with a girl before, this a first to be honest. They have to be dating."

"Yeah, I agree. I mean, after all, Yura liked Jungkook for quite a while now, everyone knows that."

What...? People really love gossiping and it's literally so universal... Just because they went together doesn't mean that they're dating. For god's sake. Junghye felt a little disheartened. 

She started to feel guilty about the whole situation from yesterday. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she was being insensitive. She knew it wasn't entirely her fault but she knew for a fact that she should've done something because now she got irritated from what all the people were saying. 

"Jungkook!" Junghye called out to her boyfriend once she saw him. He was walking with Yura.

He looked at her, with a frown. He was still a little mad about yesterday but he still came up to her after telling Yura to go to class first. 

"Hey," he greeted. 

Junghye tugged on her backpack straps and just stared at the ground. 

"If you don't have anything to say then I'm gonna go to class first," Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked away. Junghye was fast enough to stop him by tugging his sweater. 

"Just say it if you have something to say, I've got a class to attend," Jungkook scoffed, turning to face Junghye. 

"I'm-- Well-- I just wanted to say-- Ugh. I apologize for yesterday. I was being insensitive and didn't think about how you were feeling. So I'm sorry," Junghye blurted all out at once, looking intensely at Jungkook. 

"Really?" Jungkook smugly asked. He forgave her because he can tell how much courage she had to gather in order to apologize to him. He knew that he was in the wrong yesterday too but he wanted to tease her. 

"I am!" 

"Well then show it. I don't care what you do. You better prove it before the day ends today," he hissed at her, walking away from her once again. Once he was out of her sight, he smirked. He wanted to see what she would do to gain his forgiveness. 

Wh-What? Is he being serious? What am I supposed to even do?  She frowned. 


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