2. The Neighbours

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POV: Virgil

I woke up with a start, almost falling out of my bed and onto the floor. As I grabbed my phone to look at the time, I almost had a heart attack when I saw what it displayed; 11:47am.

I was about to have another attack when I finally recalled last night. Logan had told me to sleep in which means I wasn't late for the lecture because they weren't expecting me.

I lay back down on the bed with a sigh of relief. When I failed to fall back asleep, I decided to get up and make breakfast.

I was just finishing my second slice of toast when someone knocked on the front door. My actions froze immediately. It was only noon; Logan shouldn't be back for another two hours. Who was it then?

Another knock.

Maybe the postman? No you idiot, there's a mailbox outside the building. My blood suddenly ran cold.

What if it was him? What if he found out where I lived?

I shook my head in frustration. No, that's impossible. It can't be.

When the third knock came, I realised it might be something urgent, so I reluctantly walked over and opened the door.

In the hall stood a boy approximately my height with a wide grin on his face. I was never good with social interactions and that moment was no different.

"Can I... help you?" I asked cautiously, trying to avoid his gaze. The boy stuck out his hand.

"My name's Patton!" He said cheerfully. "I live downstairs and I thought I'd come over to introduce myself."

It took me a moment to react, but I eventually shook his hand.

"Virgil." I replied. "Nice to meet you."

"Hi Virgil!" Patton looked like he would burst with joy. "What about your tall friend? I saw him arrive with you yesterday. Is he here?"

"Uh... Logan's at the university this morning, sorry." I shrugged, shoving my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"I'll come back later then." He gave me a bright smile. "See ya!"

I raised my hand in farewell and watched him run down the stairs. I closed the door and sat back down at the kitchen table, replaying the interaction over and over in my head.

When Logan returned, it was the first thing I said to him.

"Patton from downstairs is gonna show up today." I told him as I watched him make coffee.

"Who?" Logan raised an eyebrow.

"One of the neighbours. He lives downstairs apparently." I shrugged. "He came to introduce himself earlier."

"Well then I'm glad we haven't had time to make a mess in the apartment yet." Logan chuckled to himself and walked into the living room to sit on the couch with his cup of coffee. I followed suit.

"Do we need to get anything? I haven't had guests in so long." I questioned, fidgeting with the sleeves of my hoodie. "Should we make tea? What about traybakes? Should I run to the shop to buy some to go with the tea?"

"Calm down, Virgil." Logan cut me off before I could ask more questions. "I'm sure tea will suffice."

"Okay." I said hesitantly, not entirely convinced. However, that may have been just me overthinking as usual.

Despite the apartment being relatively clean, we still tided away what little mess there was. We didn't know what time he'd show up and that put me on edge.

"He could literally come at any moment in the next six hours." I groaned as we sat on the couch while Logan watched the news. "I'm gonna be on alert for the next six hours, Logan. I can't focus on anything!"

"You don't have to focus on anything." He replied calmly. "Do something mindless to distract yourself."

"I don't know what, though." I mumbled and hugged my knees to myself as I watched the news, not really taking in any of the information being said.

I spent the next hour trying to focus on the television in front of me. Logan attempted to distract me with small talk but my mind was elsewhere. I hated not knowing what to expect or when to expect it.

I was finally freed from my anxiety at half five in the afternoon when a knock came to the door once again. However, a different type of anxiety replaced it so I was technically back to square one.

Logan got up and answered the door, with me a few steps behind him.

Patton stood outside our apartment with that bright grin of his and a plate of cookies.

"I made a little 'welcome' present." He explained when we both eyed the plate. "I also brought my roommate." He gestured to the taller boy standing behind him, whom I hadn't noticed at first. "This is Roman."

"Pleasure to meet you." Logan shook hands with Roman and took the plate from Patton. "Please, come in."

The duo walked inside and I promptly lead them to the living room as Logan placed the plate on the coffee table.

"You must be Virgil." Roman flashed a smile at me. "A wonderful name, might I say."

"Uh, thanks." I muttered, not knowing how to react to the compliment. "I'll go put the kettle on." I quickly announced and talked into the kitchen area.

"Good idea." Logan smiled and sat down in an armchair as our two neighbours took their seats on the couch. I heard them conversing politely as I made the tea and set the cups on a tray.

"Working in a bakery has definitely helped me get better at making cookies." Patton beamed as I placed the tray on the table in front of them.

"They do indeed look and taste very professional." Logan commented as he took another one from the plate. "Thank you, Virgil." He smiled at me and took one of the teacups. I perched on the armrest of Logan's chair, using my cup to warm my hands.

"What about you?" Roman looked at me and put me on the spot. "Are you working anywhere?"

I shrugged. "I'm at university full time, but I work weekend shifts at a records store."

"That's interesting! Which one?" Roman questioned further as he took one of the cups of tea.

"The one beside the library."

"I must check it out some time, then. I've never been in there." Roman smiled and took a sip. "I do small gigs in bars, usually. Me and my brother are a small band, of sorts."

"That's pretty cool." I nodded and he grinned at me.

We chatted away until long past nine in the evening. Well, the other three did; I stopped giving any input after about an hour. They didn't seem to mind, which I was thankful for as I didn't feel like talking.

That night I didn't have any trouble falling asleep. Socialising had drained all the energy out of me, so when my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

Don't Leave Me | Analogical Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora